- Charges payable by investors on purchases and sales of securities. 指投資者因買(mǎi)賣(mài)證券而應支付的費用。
- Both in the purchase and sale of commodities is reciprocal sides, are commodity players. 這兩者在商品購銷(xiāo)中是相互對應的雙方,都是商品流通的參與者。
- We will mail you contract notes of purchase and sale of stocks after every transaction. 我們會(huì )在每筆交易后,隨即寄上股票買(mǎi)賣(mài)單據。
- Commercial bribery for the qualification of the main is conducive to accurate against the purchase and sale of commercial bribery. 商業(yè)行賄罪對于主體資格的限定,有利于準確打擊商業(yè)購銷(xiāo)中的行賄行為。
- Their secretly refers to the purchase and sale of commodities into personal pockets or treasury units that part of their income. 帳外、暗中指在商品購銷(xiāo)中落入個(gè)人腰包或者單位小金庫的那部分收入。
- Commodity purchase and sale of the "clawback" is a high usage of the term, but rebates and discounts, commissions often easy to be confused. 商品購銷(xiāo)中的“回扣”是一個(gè)使用率頗高的詞,而且回扣、折扣、傭金經(jīng)常容易被混淆。
- And it is a modern business combining the purchase and sale of Chinese herbal medicines, purveyor of cultures, R &D, technical guidance. 是一家集中藥材購銷(xiāo)、種苗提供、產(chǎn)品開(kāi)發(fā)、技術(shù)指導為一體的現代化民營(yíng)企業(yè)。
- Benish GPs Ukraine is a business involved in the purchase and sale of such diverse items as, GPS navigation systems,antennas, and hubs. 我們是烏克蘭一家采購商;現需要汽車(chē)碳刷;GPS導航系統;開(kāi)線(xiàn)等汽車(chē)配件;請供應商聯(lián)系我們.
- A hundred years ago, the production and sale of drugs in the US. was unregulated. 人們想當然地認為藥物的生產(chǎn)與銷(xiāo)售應該由政府調控,但是以前情況并不總是這樣。
- Commercial production and sale of goods. 產(chǎn)業(yè),工業(yè)商業(yè)性生產(chǎn)和貨物的銷(xiāo)售
- San-Lin International Development Co., Ltd. are engaged in purchase and sale of plastic raw materials and plastic regrind. 尚霖國際開(kāi)發(fā)有限公司經(jīng)營(yíng)各種塑料原料、次料買(mǎi)賣(mài);
- Division was established in 2001, specializes in the purchase and sale of locks and foreign clients in China to find appropriate suppliers. 我司成立于2001年,專(zhuān)業(yè)從事鎖具的采購與銷(xiāo)售,并為外國客戶(hù)在國內尋找合適的供應商。
- A currency swap is the simultaneous purchase and sale of a given amount of foreign exchange for two different value dates. 貨幣幣種交換(掉期)是按兩個(gè)不同的起息日對一定數量的外匯同時(shí)進(jìn)行買(mǎi)賣(mài)。
- Horizontal Spread An options strategy involving the simultaneous purchase and sale of two options of the same type, having the same strike price, but different expiration dates. 水平價(jià)差期權策略的一種,投資者同時(shí)買(mǎi)入及賣(mài)出兩種同類(lèi)型、行使價(jià)格相同但到期日不同的期權。
- The simultaneous purchase and sale of identical or equivalent financial instruments or commodity futures in order to benefit from a discrepancy in their price relationship. 同時(shí)的買(mǎi)賣(mài)相同或相等的金融商品或商品期貨以從他們的價(jià)格差異中獲利。
- From one angle, state-owned enterprises or their staff in the purchase and sale of commodities bribery introduction of the crime of dereliction of duty is inappropriate. 從這一方面看,將國有企業(yè)或其職員在商品購銷(xiāo)中的受賄行為引入瀆職犯罪也是不合適的。
- Disrelish crime because of the malfeasant experience in purchase and sale of medicines and chemical reagents, he is promoted by peaceful arrest passes city people procuratorate. 因為藥品購銷(xiāo)中的不法行為涉嫌犯罪,他被泰興市人民檢察院拘傳。
- The purchase and sale of waste plastics industry, mainly reproduction processing, the product sold to Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Liaoning, Beijing and Tianjin municipalities, etc. 17. 該行業(yè)以廢舊塑料購銷(xiāo)、加工再生產(chǎn)為主,產(chǎn)品銷(xiāo)往浙江、江西、遼寧、京津等17個(gè)省市。
- I was founded in 2003, mainly engaged in the acquisition and lint and various semi-finished processing the purchase and sale of agricultural and sideline products. 我公司成立于2003年,主要從事皮棉收購和半成品加工以及各種農副產(chǎn)品的收購和出售。
- The police chief was talking about the illicit sale of drugs. 警長(cháng)在講毒品的非法販賣(mài)。