In this dissertation, I'll try to inquire into the influence on the Chinese Strategy of the New Revolution of Science and Teleology, which has seldom been coped with by others. 本文主要從新科技革命切入,探討現代科技和現代教育如何在新科技革命時(shí)代成為國家興盛的強大武器,進(jìn)而促成中國科教興國戰略的誕生和實(shí)施,以及中國如何克服目前的各種困難,全面實(shí)施科教興國戰略。
The rural area is the main field of the national education and the implement of the strategic conceiving of rejuvenating the nation through science and technology. 農村是我國教育和落實(shí)科教興國戰略的主戰場(chǎng),農村學(xué)校體育是農村教育的重要組成部分,是學(xué)校教育的重要內容之一。