- He learned technical skills by trial and error. 他通過(guò)不斷摸索掌握技能。
- I lost the instruction book and so I had to find out how to use the machine by trial and error. 我把說(shuō)明書(shū)丟失了,結果只得通過(guò)不斷摸索才弄懂怎樣使用這部機器。
- Factorization of this equation by trial and error is not possible. 用試湊法對這個(gè)方程進(jìn)行因式分解是不可能奏效的。
- Specific behaviour must be determined by trial and error. 特殊的行為必須是通過(guò)探索試驗來(lái)決定。
- Children learn to use computer programs by trial and error. 兒童們通過(guò)反復摸索才學(xué)會(huì )運用計算機程序。
- In a sale by trial, the parties may prescribe the trial period. 第一百七十條試用買(mǎi)賣(mài)的當事人可以約定標的物的試用期間。
- The experts produce a new product by trial and error. 專(zhuān)家們經(jīng)過(guò)反復試驗,研制了一種新產(chǎn)品。
- They also need to practise skills and learn by trial and error. 他們也需要鍛煉技巧和通過(guò)反復試驗來(lái)學(xué)習。
- My progress has been spasmodic and interrupted by trial and error. 我的投資經(jīng)歷了試驗和錯誤。
- Specialists have invented a new product by trial and error. 專(zhuān)家們經(jīng)過(guò)反復試驗;研制了一種新產(chǎn)品.
- The above general rules allow the isopachs to be drawn by trial and error. 有了上述的一般規律,即可采用試湊法來(lái)描繪等和線(xiàn)。
- A non parametric MKS trial method which is used to analyses the statistic character stability of degenerated energy levels fluctuation is set up in this paper. 通過(guò)引入權重 ,并用一能級數等于簡(jiǎn)并譜的無(wú)趨向性序列為標準去衡量簡(jiǎn)并鄰間距譜的趨向性 ,由此建立分析簡(jiǎn)并譜漲落統計特征穩定性的MKS無(wú)參量試驗法 ;
- Assuming we have predicted G, we can solve for N by trial and error. 假定我們已經(jīng)預測到g,就可以用試誤法來(lái)解N。
- Therefore, the authors derivate the functional relations of the final temperature of diesel by mathemat-ic model and calculate the actual value with trial method. 通過(guò)建立數學(xué)模型,獲得了最終溫度的函數表達式,并采用試算法間接地求取油品的最終溫度。
- The above general rules allow the isopachics to be drawn by trial and error. 有了上述的一般規律,即可采用試湊法來(lái)描繪等和線(xiàn)。
- The CHM file was converted to HTM by Trial version of ChmDecompiler. 點(diǎn)擊下邊試劑基本信息列表需修改的試劑基本信息,點(diǎn)擊刪除按鈕。
- proportioning by mortar void method 灰漿孔隙配合
- During this time, the screw moves back while turning to carry out a new proportioning by bringing material melted to the front of the sprue tube. 在這段時(shí)間里,螺桿回復到原位,同時(shí)旋轉以實(shí)現下一環(huán)節的動(dòng)作,即將熔化的材料帶入進(jìn)膠管前端。
- The constructed solving process is to establish a general SBR model firstly, then to derive the suboptimum solution by trial and error method with the help of simulation tools. 所構造的解法是首先建立通用的序批式反應器模型;然后借助仿真工具試差求取次優(yōu)解。
- It has been proven by trial commercial production that With the piercer plug designed by means of the said new method,much higher radial wall thi... 工業(yè)性試驗結果表明,新設計的穿孔頂頭能顯著(zhù)提高毛管的橫向壁厚精度。