- The system implementation result proves that the management strut system works and meets the demand of the project management personnel. 系統運行結果證明,本文所設計的工程管理支撐系統中的設計本管理模塊的業(yè)務(wù)需求及各節點(diǎn)工作內容滿(mǎn)足工程管理人員的需要。
- This four-year programme aims at nurturing graduates from vocational training institutes to become front-line project management personnel. 此為期四年的計劃,目的是栽培工業(yè)學(xué)院畢業(yè)生成為工程項目管理員工。
- In a nutshell, this course will not only train project management personnel but also help the students in passing the certificate exam by IPMA standard in D-level (project associate). 課程最終目的在培訓專(zhuān)案管理人員,輔導學(xué)生考取國際專(zhuān)案管理學(xué)會(huì )IPMA的D級專(zhuān)案副理證照。
- Heroism has experienced personnel for big project management. 海澤曼配備有經(jīng)驗豐富的大型工程管理人員。
- Safety training of management personnel. 中層及以上干部安全教育。
- Management personnel are Superman, is it not? 翻譯下:管理員是超人,是嗎?
- Strategies Planning for Project Management. 項目管理的策劃。
- Do you know project management and CMM? 您知道項目管理和?
- Best practice of IT project management II. 項目管理最佳歷程2。
- Handbook of project management II. 項目管理手冊2。
- Handbook of project management practice II. 項目管理實(shí)戰手冊2。
- How to do the project management in libraries? 圖書(shū)館的項目管理怎么做?
- Moderators, emergency management personnel are not the words on here to leave! 版主,管理人員有事不在的話(huà)就到這里來(lái)請假吧!
- Experienced in project management and development. 有豐富的項目管理與開(kāi)發(fā)經(jīng)驗。
- What is Project? And what Is Project Management? 項目、項目管理定義?
- Assist project management and external audit. 協(xié)助項目管理與外部審計等。
- Can Project Management Be Extreme Too? 項目管理依然極端?
- Embedded System Project Management in A Corp. A公司嵌入式系統項目管理
- Skilled in Project Management Tools. 熟練運用項目管理工具。
- A listed company shall specify management personnel's duties and responsibilities in its articles of association. 上市公司應在公司章程中明確經(jīng)理人員的職責。