- I am responsible for product distribution. 我負責產(chǎn)品銷(xiāo)售。
- I'm reponsible for product distribution. 我負責產(chǎn)品分銷(xiāo)。
- Some experience in product distribution. 略具產(chǎn)品銷(xiāo)售的經(jīng)驗。
- The distribution plan is up to the boss himself,I think. 我想銷(xiāo)售方案應該由老板來(lái)定。
- The distribution plan is up to the boss himself, I think. 銷(xiāo)售方案應該由老板來(lái)定。
- Select reasonable transportation mode and route to ensure product distribution. 正確選擇合理的運輸方式和線(xiàn)路,確保產(chǎn)品的配送;
- And an aquatic product distributing center. 和海水產(chǎn)品集散地。
- I'd like to negotiate about the distributional plan with you. 我愿意與你協(xié)商一下分配方案。
- Manage and coordinate shipment and distribution by third-party logistics company, as well as instruct its shipment and distribution plan. 管理、協(xié)調第三方物流公司的運輸及配送,并對其運輸、配送的方案進(jìn)行指導;
- Teak, rice, cotton, maize, jute, and other agricultural and forestry products distribution center. 柚木、大米、棉花、玉米、黃麻等農林產(chǎn)品的集散地。
- Responsible for insulin FG distribution according to the distribution plan, and ensure dispatched on time, on right quantity and right receiver. 按照發(fā)貨計劃負責胰島素成品的備貨和發(fā)貨,確保及時(shí)發(fā)貨,數量正確和收貨人正確;
- Expanding its horizon from products distribution business, SWE has always been a top seller among all the Siemens' system integration suppliers. 我公司積極拓展產(chǎn)品銷(xiāo)售市場(chǎng),銷(xiāo)售業(yè)績(jì)在眾多系統集成商中名列前茅。
- Finally, it combines programming of the second line of Xi"an rail transit lines to produce its reasonable station distribution plan, to exposit application of this method. 最后,結合西安市地鐵二號線(xiàn)的規劃情況給出合理的站點(diǎn)分布方案,闡述了該方法的具體應用。
- Micromixing has a great influence on the product distribution of complicated and fast reaction. 微觀(guān)混合指的是物料從湍流分散后的最小微團(Kolmogorov尺度)到分子尺度上的均勻化過(guò)程,這種小尺度上的均勻化過(guò)程對精細化工、制藥等工業(yè)過(guò)程中經(jīng)常涉及到的快速復雜反應有著(zhù)重要影響。
- The company also agents of the global family of brands well-known brands TESA safes and electronic locks and Israel MUL-T-LOCK products distribution. 本公司還代理了全球知名品牌TESA系列名牌保險箱和電子鎖及以色列MUL-T-LOCK系列產(chǎn)品的經(jīng)銷(xiāo)。
- There will be a growing need for people who can understand and fix systems -- from computer systems to product distribution systems to plumbing systems. 今后將越來(lái)越需要在計算機、產(chǎn)品推銷(xiāo)和管道系統等方面既懂理論又有實(shí)踐經(jīng)驗的人。
- Software vendors and distributors of popular programs are invited to take advantage of LingoWare's Product Distribution program. 歡迎軟件售主和普及程序的經(jīng)銷(xiāo)商來(lái)利用LingoWare的產(chǎn)品分發(fā)程序。
- The agreements provide for product distribution and technology development and engineering services between the two companies. 協(xié)議為雙方就產(chǎn)品分銷(xiāo)與技術(shù)開(kāi)發(fā)及工程服務(wù)訂立了合作安排。
- The distribution plan for the bankruptcy property shall be proposed by the liquidation team, adopted by the creditors meeting and submitted to the people's court for judgment before implementation. 第三十七條清算組提出破產(chǎn)財產(chǎn)分配方案,經(jīng)債權人會(huì )議討論通過(guò),報請人民法院裁定后執行。
- The experimental value at C 1 is larger than that in ASF product distribution, but the value at C 2 is lower than that in ASF plot. 產(chǎn)物分布通常在C1處和C2 處偏離ASF分布 ;呈現C1處偏高而C2 處偏低的情況 .