- " Process data highway, type C (PROWAY C), for distributed process control systems--Overview" GB/T9469.;1-1988分散型過(guò)程控制系統用工業(yè)過(guò)程數據公路總論
- Combined with the operation conditions and upgrading needs of a certain CC line,construction scheme of CC data mart and processing method of collected process control data are introduced. 結合某連鑄線(xiàn)的現狀和改造要求,介紹連鑄數據集市的構建方案和過(guò)程控制記錄數據處理的方法。
- " Process data highway, type C (PROWAY C), for distributed process control systems--The PROWAY link control (PLC)sublayer" GB/T9469.;4-1988分散型過(guò)程控制系統用工業(yè)過(guò)程數據公路工業(yè)過(guò)程數據公路鏈路控制(plc)子層
- " Process data highway, type C (PROWAY C), for distributed process control systems--The medium access control (MAC) sublayer" GB/T9469.;6-1988分散型過(guò)程控制系統用工業(yè)過(guò)程數據公路媒體送取控制(mac)子層
- Combined with the operation conditions and upgrading needs of a certain CC line, construction scheme of CC data mart and processing method of collected process control data are introduced. 摘要結合某連鑄線(xiàn)的現狀和改造要求,介紹連鑄數據集市的構建方案和過(guò)程控制記錄數據處理的方法。
- Enumerative study and analytic study of statistical process control data for personal software process 個(gè)體軟件過(guò)程中統計過(guò)程控制數據的列舉研究與分析研究
- Fabrication process control in real time. 同步的制造程序控制。
- Join in process control and improvement. 參與生產(chǎn)現場(chǎng)的過(guò)程控制和持續改進(jìn)工作。
- Estavlishes and maintains stable process control. 維修和穩定過(guò)程控制。
- Integrated Botec central process control system. 通過(guò)集成Botec過(guò)程控制系統實(shí)現了中央控制。
- Tool options help control data collection during profiling. 工具選項在分析期間幫助控件數據的收集。
- Know basic automatic process control theory. 了解基本的工藝自動(dòng)控制原理。
- Property as way to store custom control data between server trips. 屬性作為在服務(wù)器往返過(guò)程中存儲自定義控件數據的方法。
- In charge of process control documentation. 負責工藝參數文件/控制文件的制定和維護。
- The first supercomputer, the Control Data CD6600, was developed. 第一臺超級計算機CD6600開(kāi)發(fā)成功。
- The paper discussed the process control of fill embankment used in high-grade highway,and proposed some problem for reference. 隨著(zhù)公路交通網(wǎng)覆蓋率的日益擴大,在廣大的山區和丘陵地帶填石路堤將成為一種常見(jiàn)的結構形式。
- Is statistical process control required on product? 產(chǎn)品是否需要統計過(guò)程控制?
- Universal Gateway: to additional Bus standards including Data Highway, Ethernet and VME. 通用網(wǎng)關(guān):額外的總線(xiàn)標準,包括數據高速公路,以太網(wǎng)和VME 。
- Method is called when the associated control data source has changed. 方法。關(guān)聯(lián)控件的數據源發(fā)生更改時(shí)將調用。
- Method is called when the schema of the associated control data source changes. 方法。關(guān)聯(lián)控件的數據源架構發(fā)生更改時(shí),將調用。