- The two sides have successfully solved the problem left over by history. 雙方成功的解決了歷史遺留的問(wèn)題。
- These are all problems left over by history. 這些都是歷史遺留下來(lái)的問(wèn)題。
- They are problems left over by history. 這些是歷史遺留下來(lái)的問(wèn)題。
- We must continue to solve problems left over by history. 歷史遺留的問(wèn)題還要繼續解決。
- Spelling out our views may help solve problems left over by history and clarify what I mean by opening up a new era. 講清這個(gè)問(wèn)題可能對解決遺留下來(lái)的問(wèn)題,對弄清“開(kāi)辟未來(lái)”的某些概念有好處
- Spelling out our views may help solve problems left over by history and clarify what I mean by opening up a new era. So it was worth mentioning. 講清這個(gè)問(wèn)題可能對解決遺留下來(lái)的問(wèn)題,對弄清“開(kāi)辟未來(lái)”的某些概念有好處,所以值得講一講。
- It is still a long-term and arduous task to solve the environmental problems left over by history and control the environmental problems that appear in the process of development. 解決歷史遺留的環(huán)境問(wèn)題和控制發(fā)展過(guò)程中出現的環(huán)境問(wèn)題,仍然是一項長(cháng)期而艱巨的任務(wù)。
- Informed sources said the above, can not be regarded as the resumption of IPOs, but the clean-up problems left over by history. 上述知情人士表示,不能視為新股發(fā)行的重啟,而是對歷史遺留問(wèn)題的清理。
- Qualcomm shares Portuguese problems left over by history and reality intertwined with the plight of the new skills quite hualian, performance over the past few years has been far from satisfactory. 通葡股份的歷史遺留問(wèn)題和現實(shí)困境交織在一起,新華聯(lián)頗有些心有余而力不足,這幾年的業(yè)績(jì)表現也一直差強人意。
- These are all questions left over by history. 這些都是歷史上遺留下來(lái)的問(wèn)題。
- They are questions left over by history. 這些是歷史上遺留下來(lái)的問(wèn)題。
- Some disputes among these countries are left over by history. 這些國家間的某些爭端是歷史遺留下來(lái)的。
- The Eight - Character Formula for Solving the Problems Left over by History 處理歷史遺留問(wèn)題八字訣
- Those are the problems left over by the last government. 這些問(wèn)題是上屆政府遺留下來(lái)的。
- China has solved or basically solved boundary issues left over by history with most of its adjacent countries. 目前,中國已與大多數鄰國解決或基本解決了歷史遺留的邊界問(wèn)題。
- The border dispute between the two countries left over by history has been settled through negotiation. 由上個(gè)世紀遺留下來(lái)的兩國邊境之爭已經(jīng)通過(guò)談判解決了。
- China spares no effort to avoid and curb war,and to solve international disputes and questions left over by history through peaceful means. 中國努力避免和制止戰爭,努力用和平方式解決國際爭端和歷史遺留問(wèn)題。
- China spares no effort to avoid and curb war, and to solve international disputes and questions left over by history through peaceful means. 中國努力避免和制止戰爭,努力用和平方式解決國際爭端和歷史遺留問(wèn)題。 %25%24
- Conscientiously drawing up reservoir emigrant planning, solving the problem left over by emigration 認真編制水庫移民規劃解決好移民遺留問(wèn)題
- The Taiwan issue is one left over by the Chinese civil war. 臺灣問(wèn)題是中國內戰遺留下來(lái)的問(wèn)題。