- On the Dual Simplex Algorithm with Largest Improvement Rule 關(guān)于使用最大改進(jìn)規則的對偶單純形算法
- dual simplex algorithm 對偶單純形算法
- First, self-dual parametric algorithm, network simplex, and network dual simplex were offered to solve reservoir problem. 先利用自對偶參數法、網(wǎng)絡(luò )單純形法與對偶網(wǎng)絡(luò )單純形法,來(lái)處理原水庫問(wèn)題。
- How good is the simplex algorithm? 單純形算法有多好?
- The abecedarian numerical computation shows that the new algorithm is more effective than the primary simplex algorithm. 初步數值結果表明新算法比傳統方法更為有效。
- The network simplex, network dual simplex, and complimentary theorem were used to solve reservoir and its dual problems. 文中采用網(wǎng)絡(luò )單純形法、對偶網(wǎng)絡(luò )單純形法及互補定理,來(lái)處理水庫問(wèn)題及對偶問(wèn)題。
- The result shows the algorithm is effective and simpler than simplex algorithm. 該算法的計算結果與單純形法的結果完全相同,但求解過(guò)程較后者簡(jiǎn)潔。
- The isotropic surfaces of both fce and bcc metals under plane stress were calculated by Taylor theory which was solved with the linear programming dual simplex method. 本文用對偶單形法線(xiàn)性規劃求解Taylor理論,計算了面心立方和體心立方金屬在平面應力條件下各向同性屈服表面。
- The new algorithm has not only the global of genetic algorithm, but also the fast convergence of the simplex algorithm. 該新算法既具有遺傳算法的全局收斂性,又具有單純形法的快速收斂性。
- Linear Programming Simplex method, dual problems, dual simplex method, duality theorems, complementary slackness, sensitivity analysis and transportation problem. Students taking this course are expected to have knowledge in linear algebra. 線(xiàn)性規劃單純形法,對偶問(wèn)題,對偶單純形法,對偶性定理,互補松弛性,靈敏度分析及運輸問(wèn)題。學(xué)生選修本科須具備線(xiàn)性代數之知識。
- Presents a generalized dual simplex metjhod of directly solving a linear programming problem to which the basic solution is neither a feasible solution to the primal problem nor a feasible solution to the dual problem. 在已經(jīng)得到的線(xiàn)性規劃問(wèn)題的基本解既不是原始問(wèn)題的可行解 ,也不是對偶問(wèn)題的可行解的情形下 ,介紹求解線(xiàn)性規劃問(wèn)題的廣義對偶單純形法 ,它是對偶單純形法的推廣 ,用此法迭代一次就可得到一個(gè)對偶可行解
- The time lag between the direct wave and the scattered wave could be computed by using the simplex algorithm method. 當彎曲波在傳遞時(shí)遇到平板裂縫則會(huì )產(chǎn)生散射波,因此含有裂縫平板的板波訊號即包括彎曲波的直接波傳與裂縫引起的散射波傳。
- In this paper a dual simplex method for linear programming with bounded variables was given, which generalizes and extends the classic dual simplex method for a general linear programming. 摘要給出變量有上界的線(xiàn)性規劃問(wèn)題的對偶單純形算法,該算法包含了一般線(xiàn)性規劃問(wèn)題的對偶單純形算法,為解變量有上界的線(xiàn)性規劃問(wèn)題提供了又一種方法。
- In this paper we improve the simplex algorithm for quadratic programs, from algorithm to convergence conditions, and get simpler procedure and converging rules. 摘要本文對二次規劃的單純形算法,從算法到收斂條件均加以改進(jìn),得到更簡(jiǎn)易的程序和收斂準則。
- Moreover, it edits the calculating programs in both index Method,which gives the approximate solution and Simplex Algorithm,which gives the accurate solution. 設計了用指數法求近似解或單純形法求精確解的算法程序。
- A Generalized Dual Simplex Method 廣義對偶單純形方法
- Two-phase method of dual simplex 對偶單純形兩階段法
- Improved Dual Simplex Method for Linear Programming 線(xiàn)性規劃一種改進(jìn)的對偶單純形法
- Kalai, Gil. "A Subexponential Randomized Simplex Algorithm (Extended Abstract)." In Proceedings of the 24th Annual Association for Computing Machinery Symposium on Theory of Computing. New York, NY: ACM Press, 1992. 一種亞指數隨機化的簡(jiǎn)單型法(擴展摘要)〉,《第24屆計算理論的機器計算年會(huì )公報》,紐約,ny:ACM出版,1992。
- the best pivot of the dual simplex method 對偶單純形最好主元素