- If you get an access violation on a call to a heap manipulation function, it is possible that your program has corrupted the heap. 如果在調用堆操作函數時(shí)發(fā)生訪(fǎng)問(wèn)沖突,有可能是程序損壞了堆。
- Stock price manipulation, * ST Kim Tae last year pulled out of the 42 trading board. 股價(jià)進(jìn)行操縱,*ST金泰曾在去年拉出42個(gè)漲停板。
- We suggest repurchases with frequent high discretionary accruals being motivated by the stock price manipulation. 主要研究發(fā)現,如果買(mǎi)回庫藏股公司的裁量性會(huì )計應計項目偏高,該公司就不能獲得正的長(cháng)期股票報酬。
- A key on a computer terminal which, when pressed in conjunction with another key, is used to perform a control or manipulation function, ?e.g.,? to terminate an editing operation. 一種計算機終端上的按鍵,當它與另一個(gè)鍵同時(shí)按下時(shí)被用來(lái)實(shí)現一種控制或操縱功能,例如終止一個(gè)編輯操作。
- There is currently widely rumored, because yellow is the scene of his brother Huang Junqin Kim Tae-ST holding the stock price manipulation. 中英文對照:目前坊間盛傳,黃出事正是因為對其兄黃俊欽控股的ST金泰股價(jià)進(jìn)行操縱。
- She also has ordered a crackdown on price manipulation, hoarding and profi-teering on subsidized rice, and will hold a food summit April 4. 她也下令掃蕩價(jià)格操控、屯積居奇及在補貼稻米上牟取暴利,大發(fā)不義之財,她并在4月4日開(kāi)糧食高峰會(huì )。
- Means the monopoly of a small number of large enterprises, in order to obtain high profits, production, sales and price manipulation and control. 壟斷指少數大企業(yè),為了獲得高額利潤,對商品的生產(chǎn)、銷(xiāo)售和價(jià)格進(jìn)行操縱和控制。
- I'm not accusing this, BUT what this might suggest to some people is this is blatant price manipulation to knock out stops. 我不是指責這個(gè),但這種奇特的價(jià)格操縱難免會(huì )被人認為是為了刻意去觸發(fā)訂單的止損。
- Allen.Franklin, and Gary Gorton.Stock Price Manipulation, Market Microstructure and Asymmetric Information [J].European Economic Review,1992(36). 曹紅輝.;股票市場(chǎng)價(jià)格信息信號引導資金配置的效率分析[J]
- Zhu Yaoming,who raisd RMB4.8b from thousands of people to invest in the stock market,pleaded guilty to a stock price manipulation charge. 朱耀明向數千人籌集了4.;8億人民幣用以投資股市,現已對操縱股價(jià)的指控俯首認罪。
- In accordance with established practice, often becoming involved in private placement of stock price manipulation of one of the important force. 按照慣例,私募常常成為參與操縱股價(jià)的重要力量之一。
- At that time, the market was concerned about who is Kim Tae-ST's share price manipulation, and to focus on a stock by the name of Liu Fang's head. 中英文對照:當時(shí),市場(chǎng)都在關(guān)注誰(shuí)在操縱ST金泰的股價(jià),并將目光聚集到一位名叫劉芳的股民頭上。
- In recent months, representatives of major oil companies have been repeatedly dragged before Congress to answer charges of price manipulation and profiteering. 近幾個(gè)月來(lái),主要石油公司的人多次被要求到國會(huì )回答有關(guān)價(jià)格操縱和牟取暴利的質(zhì)詢(xún)。
- One more issue specific to 3D applications is the number of spatial manipulation functions that can be performed. 對于三維應用程序來(lái)說(shuō)一個(gè)特定的問(wèn)題是能實(shí)現多少空間操作功能。
- However, Lee Hoi-chang announced his independent candidacy last month, when Lee Myung-bak was threatened by allegations of fraud and stock price manipulation. 但是,上月,當李明博受到造假和操縱股票價(jià)格的言論的威脅時(shí),李會(huì )昌宣布自己是獨立的候選人。
- Mr Wong Kwong Yu, chairman of the board was investigating suspected price manipulation of the news, once again let Gome involved in the media center of the vortex. 中英文對照:國美電器董事局主席黃光裕涉嫌操縱股價(jià)被調查的消息,再次讓國美電器卷入媒體報道的漩渦中心。
- basic data manipulation function 基本數據操作功能
- The clerk attached a price tag to each article. 店員給每一件商品系上標價(jià)簽。
- It's almost impossible to agree on a unified basic price. 幾乎不可能商定一個(gè)劃一的基本價(jià)格。
- She peered at the tag to read the price. 她細看標簽以看清價(jià)格。