- Relax price control, enliven the market. 放開(kāi)價(jià)格,搞活市
- Exercising price control on brand-name drugs. 來(lái)抑制飛漲的要價(jià)。
- Notice of State Development Planning Commission on Issuing Results after Checkup of Price Control Regulations and Other Normative Documents 國家計委關(guān)於公佈價(jià)格規章及其他規范性文件清理結果的通知
- Price control would gradually disappear in favor of a free market. 價(jià)格控制逐漸被自由市場(chǎng)所代替。
- Cost control. Analysis of purchase cost, price control. 成本控制:采購成本分析、價(jià)格控制。
- The government's law on wage and price control is diluted with exceptions. 政府的工資與物價(jià)控制法由于有例外而被削弱了。
- Price control can damp down a general rise in prices. 價(jià)值控制可以壓低價(jià)格的一般上漲。
- Price controls on food were ended. 對食物價(jià)格的控制已告結束。
- Ideal for applications where the valve is not readily accessible, these actuators provide a labor-saving alternative to manual flow control regulation. 特別適用于不容易操作閥門(mén)的環(huán)境,這些執行機構能夠替代人工流體控制調節,節省人工成本。
- Price controls are inimical to economic growth. 價(jià)格控制對經(jīng)濟成長(cháng)不利。
- From this month on, price control on fresh pork will Be lifted in this city. 本月起,本市新鮮豬肉放開(kāi)價(jià)格。
- Relationship between Competition Pohcy and Industry Policy in the Area of Merger Control Regulation: E. C.'s Experience sand What China should I. 合并控制領(lǐng)域內競爭政策和產(chǎn)業(yè)政策的關(guān)系:歐共體的經(jīng)驗以及中國應當從中學(xué)習什么?
- Price control would gradually dis appear in favour of a free market. 價(jià)格控制將逐漸消失而代之以自由市場(chǎng)。
- The government's new law on wage and price control is diluted with exceptions. 政府關(guān)于工資和控制物價(jià)的新規定被其中的那些例外情況削弱了。
- The application of LM621 in an infrared remote control regulating. 621在無(wú)刷直流電機紅外遙控調速系統中的應用。
- The only answer to rising prices if to return to wage and price controls. 解決物價(jià)不斷上漲問(wèn)題的惟一對策就是重新實(shí)行對工資和價(jià)格的控制。
- Relationship between Competition Pohcy and Industry Policy in the Area of Merger Control Regulation:E.C.’s Experience sand What China should I.eam from lt ?? 合并控制領(lǐng)域內競爭政策和產(chǎn)業(yè)政策的關(guān)系:歐共體的經(jīng)驗以及中國應當從中學(xué)習什么?
- Relationship between Competition Pohcy and Industry Policy in the Area of Merger Control Regulation:E.C.’s Experience sand What China should I.eam from lt ? 合并控制領(lǐng)域內競爭政策和產(chǎn)業(yè)政策的關(guān)系:歐共體的經(jīng)驗以及中國應當從中學(xué)習什麼?
- Wage and price controls have been in force since 1975. 工資及物價(jià)管制已自1975年起實(shí)施。
- Relationship between Competition Pohcy and Industry Policy in the Area of Merger Control Regulation:E.C.’s Experience sand What China should I.eam from lt ? 合并控制領(lǐng)域內競爭政策和產(chǎn)業(yè)政策的關(guān)系:歐共體的經(jīng)驗以及中國應當從中學(xué)習什么?