Coordinate preventive maintenance of machinery within work shifts and production. 調整輪班預防性保養及生產(chǎn)。
According to the local regulation Preventative Maintenance Schedule, Party B will attend the job site to do the maintenance regularly. 根據當地法規規定并遵照預防性保養計劃表,乙方會(huì )定期到現場(chǎng)執行保養工作。
Perform preventative maintenance and calibration of equipment and systems. 執行預防性維護和校準設備和系統。
Develop machine uptime and preventive maintenance performance to meet daily production quality needs. 確保生產(chǎn)線(xiàn)機器的正常運轉,對機器做預防性維護以保證日常量產(chǎn)的需求。