- To consolidate national defense, prevent and resist aggression. 鞏固國防,防備和抵抗侵略。
- It is the sacred obligation of every citizen of the People's Republic of China to defend the motherland and resist aggression. 保衛祖國、抵抗侵略是中華人民共和國每一個(gè)公民的神圣職責。
- ACTION: Anti inflammation, ease pain, Hypnotize and resist the eclampsia effect, Adjust immunity, Prevention and cure senile dementia,ect. 藥理作用: 抗炎作用;鎮痛作用;催眠和抗驚厥作用;免疫調節作用;防治老年性癡呆等。
- The whole nation rose to resist aggression. 全民奮起抗擊侵略。
- stopping war and resisting aggression 息爭御侮
- The business of doctors is to prevent and cure diseases. 醫生的職責是預防和治療疾病。
- She also can muster courage and resist. 她也能鼓起勇氣,進(jìn)行抵抗。
- He also can muster courage and resist . 他也會(huì )鼓起勇氣,進(jìn)行抵抗的。
- He also can muster courage and resist. 他也會(huì )鼓起勇氣,進(jìn)行抵抗的。
- We took the initiative to prevent and reduce crime. 積極預防和減少違法犯罪。
- Should Pets Be Killed to Prevent and Control SARS? 宰殺動(dòng)物可以預防和控制非典嗎?
- The face pack for preventing and resisting wrinkles has come into the world, challenging aging -- a fact of life. 抗皺防皺面膜問(wèn)世了,它向衰老,這一生命的現實(shí)宣告挑戰。
- The police prevent and detect crime. 警察的職責是防止和偵查犯罪活動(dòng).
- How to prevent and reduce pyemia is important. 早期胃腸道營(yíng)養,以防止腸道內毒素移位;
- Be always ready to join the armed forces to take part in war, resist aggression and defend the motherland. 隨時(shí)準備參軍參戰,抵抗侵略,保衛祖國。
- Sixthly, establishing and perfecting corruption prevention and punishment system, conducting anti-corruption education, and resisting business bribery. 建立和健全預防和懲治腐敗體系,開(kāi)展反腐敗教育,抵制商業(yè)賄賂行為;
- Helps prevent and rehabilitate tennis elbow. 幫助預防網(wǎng)球肘和康復之用。
- We will continue to resist aggression because tyranny must be resisted. 我們將繼續抵制侵略因為暴君統治一定要受到反抗。
- Can prevent and cure gastralgia. 并能防治胃痛。
- Restrain the sensitive skin and resist dilation of weeny vein. 調理敏感肌膚,抑制微細管擴張,安撫、緩和。