- Rules for repairing and maintenanse of ferrocement. 鋼絲網(wǎng)水泥船維修保養規程。
- Rubber bush for prestressed concrete tubing. 說(shuō)明:制造預應力水泥管時(shí)使用的橡膠模套,。
- Prestressed steel strand extension machine? 預應力鋼絞線(xiàn)拉伸設備?
- Cracking is almost completely avoided in prestressed concrete. 預應力混凝土幾乎可以完全避免出現裂縫。
- Initially all structures were prestressed by high-strength bars. 起初,每個(gè)橋梁都是通過(guò)高強鋼筋施加預應力的。
- Shear lag is reduced for prestress in serviceability limit state . 在正常使用狀態(tài)下,預應力平抑了箱梁剪力滯效應。
- N.Rajagopalan, Prestressed Concrete, Alpha Science Intl.Ltd, 2002. 預應力混凝土結構,賈正甫,文京圖書(shū),2001。
- Optimize the Process of Prestressed Loading on Large Concrete Flume Structure. 大型混凝土渡槽的預應力施加程序優(yōu)化。
- The result shows that prestress can reduce the deform and tensile stress. 計算結果表明,預應力的施加能減少位移,減小拉應力;
- The stiffening beams of the side spans are prestressed concrete box beams. 主跨加勁梁為鋼箱梁,邊跨加勁梁為預應力混凝土箱梁。
- The successful alternative was the cast-in-place segmental prestressed concrete box girder. 最后采用的方案是分段現澆的預應力混凝土箱形梁。
- It issues of the pins’ amount, diameter, depth and distance’s effects to the felted capability of ferrocement. 探討了植有銷(xiāo)釘的情況下,銷(xiāo)釘與加固層協(xié)同抵抗粘結破壞的受力機制及銷(xiāo)釘數量,直徑,基本錨固深度,間距對其的影響。
- Binzhou Yellow River Bridge is a three-tower cable-stayed bridge with prestressed concrete girders. 摘要濱州黃河大橋主橋是三塔預應力混凝土斜拉橋,主梁為預應力混凝土箱梁。
- Keywords: post-tension process,unbounded prestressed; overlong concrete structure. 無(wú)結預應力,后張工藝,超長(cháng)混凝土結構。
- Technical consultant for the manufacture of big span prestressed concrete reiteration plate. 為大跨度預應力鋼筋混凝土疊合板生產(chǎn)技術(shù)咨詢(xún)。
- Experimental research on flexural behavior of the different grade RC beams strengthened with ferrocement mortar through six RC beams is carried out. 通過(guò)對6根RC足尺梁受彎試驗,研究不同強度等級RC足尺梁采用高性能復合砂漿鋼筋網(wǎng)加固后的受彎性能。
- The formula for calculating the prestress loss is presented for the prestressed concrete cylindrical oil tank. 導出了適用于考慮圓柱形預應力混凝土油罐預應力損失計算的公式;
- Numerical stimulation analysis in this thesis is taken to investigate the capability of concrete shear walls strengthened with ferrocement. 本文采用數值模擬分析,對鋼筋網(wǎng)復合砂漿加固混凝土剪力墻的性能進(jìn)行研究。
- The results showed that ferrocement could obviously increase the crack-resisting capacity, and improve the bending stiffness of members. 試驗結果表明,加固后試件的疲勞變形有所減小,試件的疲勞抗裂性能也得到較大提高。
- He became internationally renowned for his invention of ferrocement, a type of concrete reinforced with steel mesh, for use in thin shell design. 以發(fā)明鋼絲網(wǎng)水泥(以鋼筋網(wǎng)增強的水泥,使用于薄殼設計中)而在國際間成名。