- The Customs shall not accept an appeal lodge after the expiry of the prescribed time limit. 逾期申請復議的,海關(guān)不予受理。
- Bidders shall register with the ship auction committee within a prescribed time limit. 第三十五條競買(mǎi)人應當在規定的期限內向拍賣(mài)船舶委員會(huì )登記。
- If the employer fails to pay within the prescribed time limit, a fine for delaying payment shall affixed. 逾期不繳的,可以加收滯納金。
- Foreign enterprises and withholding agents must pay their tax within the prescribed time limit. 外國企業(yè)和扣繳義務(wù)人必須按照規定的期限,繳納稅款。
- The bank demanded that the company repay its debt within the prescribed time limit. 銀行限期要公司還清欠款。
- If such fees are not paid within the prescribed time limit,the registration of the grant of patent right shall be deemed not to have been made. 期滿(mǎn)未繳納費用的,視為未辦理登記手續。
- All judgments and orders of first instance by a people's court that have not been appealed within the prescribed time limit shall be legally effective. 逾期不提起上訴的,人民法院的第一審判決或者裁定發(fā)生法律效力。
- If such fees are not paid within the prescribed time limit, the registration of the grant of patent right shall be deemed not to have been made. 期滿(mǎn)未繳納費用的,視為未辦理登記手續。
- The enterprise shall report the rectification progress to the said local inspection and quarantine bureau within the prescribed time limit. 出口食品生產(chǎn)企業(yè)應當在限期內將整改情況報告受理申請的直屬檢驗檢疫局。
- Cf. we have to stress that you must effect shipment within the prescribed time limit as we will not consider any further extension. 必須強調,貨物裝運必須按期進(jìn)行,任何進(jìn)一步延期的要求將不予考慮。
- Where a party does not perform the award of the arbitration agency within the prescribed time limit, the other party may apply to a people's court for compulsory execution. 當事人一方在規定的期限內不履行仲裁機構的仲裁決定的,另一方可以申請人民法院強制執行。
- If the contents or materials do not conform to the requirements, it shall inform the applicant of the corrections or supplements he should make within the prescribed time limit. 對申請內容或者材料不符合要求的,應當告知申請人在規定期限內更改或者補充;
- Where the holder of a check presents the check for payment beyond the prescribed time limit, it shall lose the right to recourse against its prior holder other than the drawer. 支票的持票人超過(guò)規定的期限提示付款的,喪失對出票人以外的前手的追索權。
- Any party violating the provisions shall be ordered by the administrative department of sanitation to effect reconstruction or demolishment within a prescribed time limit. 違反規定的,由市容環(huán)境衛生管理部門(mén)責令限期改建或者拆除。
- If it fails to complete the preparatory work within the prescribed time limit, the original documents of approval for the preparation shall be invalidated automatically. 在規定的期限內未完成籌建工作的,原批準籌建文件自動(dòng)失效。
- The higher-level DSAD may order lower-level DSADs to correct, within a prescribed time limit, the decisions of administrative punishment that have been unlawfully made. 上級藥品監督管理部門(mén)對下級藥品監督管理部門(mén)違法做出的行政處罰決定,可責令限期改正;
- Article 29 People's governments of large or medium-sized cities shall make plans for catering service enterprises to start the use of clean energy such as natural gas,liquefied petroleum gas and electricity within a prescribed time limit. 第二十九條大、中城市人民政府應當制定規劃,對飲食服務(wù)企業(yè)限期使用天然氣、液化石油氣、電或者其他清潔能源。
- Refusing to perform land reclamation obligations in violation of this law,the land administrative departments of the people's governments at and above the county level shall order correction within a prescribed time limit. 違反本法規定,拒不履行土地復墾義務(wù)的,由縣級以上人民政府土地行政主管部門(mén)責令限期改正。
- If one of the parties fails to choose an arbitrator within the prescribed time limit, the Chairman of the Arbitration Commission shall, upon the request of the other party, appoint the arbitrator on the former's behalf. 如一方當事人在規定期限內不選定仲裁員,仲裁委員會(huì )主席依他方當事人之聲請,代為指定仲裁員;
- If one of the parties fails to choose an arbitrator within the prescribed time limit, the Chairman of the Maritime Arbitration Commission shall then, upon the request of the other party, appoint the arbitrator for the former party. 如果一方當事人在規定期限內不選定仲裁員,海事仲裁委員會(huì )主席依他方當事人的聲請,代為指定仲裁員;