- Please mark the wording of power network disturbance on the plot. 請在圖上標明電網(wǎng)干擾字樣。
- And then the applying DSM for southern Hebei power network is studied. 對在河北南網(wǎng)區內實(shí)施電力需求側管理的方案進(jìn)行了研究。
- This power control automation system will realize telemeter, tele-signaling, tele-control and tele-regulation in power network. 這種電力控制自動(dòng)系統可實(shí)現電網(wǎng)中的遙測、遙信、遙控和遙調。
- Discussion on the Development of Power Network Dispatching Automation System in Benxi Iron and Steel Co. 本鋼電網(wǎng)調度自動(dòng)化系統發(fā)展趨勢探討。
- Domestic advanced electric power network geographic information system solution. 國內先進(jìn)的電力網(wǎng)絡(luò )地理信息系統解決方案。
- While fault occurs, there is a transient or steady-state response to the power network. 出現故障時(shí),對電網(wǎng)有一個(gè)暫態(tài)或穩態(tài)的快速響應。
- This simulating system consists of dispatcher training system (DTS) and power network off-line simulating system(POS). 此模擬系統由調度員培訓系統(DTS)和電網(wǎng)離線(xiàn)仿真系統(pos)組成。
- The simulated Turpan power network diagram indicates the location of every node and line in Turpan power system. 吐魯番地區電力系統網(wǎng)絡(luò )模擬圖反映了各點(diǎn)與線(xiàn)路之間的位置關(guān)系。
- Better management of the automatic reconnect to the servers in case of power network. 更好地管理自動(dòng)重新連接到服務(wù)器的情況下的電力網(wǎng)絡(luò )。
- The existing problems of high voltage power network in DDZ are analyzed in detail. 介紹一種自行研制的高壓電網(wǎng)功率因數自動(dòng)補償裝置。
- By reason of its high reliability, the resonant-type fault current limiter is suitable for EHV power network. 諧振型限流器具有高可靠性等優(yōu)點(diǎn),適用于超高壓電網(wǎng)。
- However,some problems related to utilization of land resources obstruct the development of power network. 但電網(wǎng)規劃與建設中仍存在著(zhù)一些與土地資源利用相關(guān)的問(wèn)題,阻礙了電網(wǎng)的發(fā)展。
- The Jingbohu and Lianhua hydropower stations are the backbone power peaking sources in the Heilongjiang Power Network. 鏡泊湖、蓮花梯級水電站是黑龍江電網(wǎng)中的骨干調峰電源。
- Spatial load forecasting (SLF) is of special importance inplanning of urban power network. 在城網(wǎng)規劃中,負荷的地理分布預測有其獨特的重要性。
- According to the rules, there should be people especially assigned in a power network to save electrical power. 按照規定,電力網(wǎng)應設有專(zhuān)責人員負責節電工作。
- The king was shorn of his power by his nobles. 國王被手下的貴族們剝奪了權力。
- The interconnections of regional power network make the operation of power system more economically. 區域電網(wǎng)的互聯(lián)能使電力系統更加經(jīng)濟地運行。
- This paper expounds the approachs of the study on stability for power network of SINOPEC enterprises. 摘要介紹中石化項目“發(fā)電機組在外部系統故障故障時(shí)的安全穩定性研究”中穩定性分析的部分研究成果。
- It should be considered installing induction generator in TRT when electric power network has enough imaginary power. 所在電力網(wǎng)絡(luò )有足夠無(wú)功功率時(shí),應考慮將感應發(fā)電機安裝在TRT裝置。
- One way of operating a power network economically and safely is to implement interruptible load (IL) management. 摘要實(shí)施可中斷負荷管理是實(shí)現電網(wǎng)經(jīng)濟、安全運行的重要措施之一,其重要的任務(wù)之一就是確定用戶(hù)的缺電成本。