- Sitting still is foreign to a boy's mature. 靜靜坐著(zhù)不合男孩的本性。
- That country is politically stable. 該國政治上穩定。
- She's always been a politically aware person. 她一直非常關(guān)心政治。
- This is the most mature of his plays. 這是他最成熟的一部劇作。
- The wine is left to mature in oak barrels. 葡萄酒在橡木桶中陳釀。
- Politically, she's a bit of a maverick. 在政治方面,她有點(diǎn)自行其是。
- Can't you behave in a mature way? 你的舉止不能穩重一點(diǎn)嗎?
- I believe that the community now has a golden opportunity to demonstrate our political maturity. 我認為,現時(shí)是我們社會(huì )展示政治成熟性的黃金機遇。
- The idea of management was unprecedented developped with economic rise and political maturity and continuously institutionalized. 管理思想隨著(zhù)經(jīng)濟的崛起和政治的成熟化而得到空前發(fā)展,并不斷制度化。
- Raising taxes was politically unthinkable. 增加稅收在政治上來(lái)講是不能考慮的
- Oh, grow up! ie Behave in a more mature way. 噢,別那麼不懂事了(表現得成熟些吧)!
- Writer Catherine Lim, who does not mince words, said at a recent Institute of Policy Studies forum that caricatures of politicians are a symbol of a society's political maturity. 敢怒敢言的英文作家林寶音不久前在政策研究院主辦的論壇上說(shuō),挖苦政治人物的漫畫(huà),是一個(gè)社會(huì )政治成熟的象征。
- Writer Catherine Lim,who does not mince words,said at a recent Institute of Policy Studies forum that caricatures of politicians are a symbol of a society's political maturity. 敢怒敢言的英文作家林寶音不久前在政策研究院主辦的論壇上說(shuō),挖苦政治人物的漫畫(huà),是一個(gè)社會(huì )政治成熟的象征。
- In the United States House of Representatives holds a right of re-attachment of the Committee is no doubt Euan to the "political maturity" an important step. 在美國眾議院一個(gè)握有重權的委員會(huì )實(shí)習,無(wú)疑是尤安走向“政治成熟”的重要一步。
- He leans politically towards conservation. 他在政治上傾向于保守主義。
- She is a mature woman who can make up her own mind. 她是位成年女子了,能夠自己拿主意。
- A region politically controlled by a distant country; a dependency. 殖民地政治上被一個(gè)遠方國家控制的地區; 屬地
- His niece is attractive and mature for her age. 以他的侄女的年紀而言,她既有媚力又成熟。
- Politically, America is divided into fifty states. 美國在政治上劃分成五十個(gè)州。
- With a pleasant mature attitude. 開(kāi)朗成熟。