- The General Political Department administrates the army's Party work and organizes and conducts its political work. 總政治部負責管理全軍黨的工作,組織進(jìn)行政治工作。
- They should act as a kind of collective political department,or collective cadre department. 用形象化的語(yǔ)言說(shuō),就是各級學(xué)校的本身要起到集體政治部的作用,或者說(shuō)起到集體干部部的作用。
- They should act as a kind of collective political department, or collective cadre department. 用形象化的語(yǔ)言說(shuō),就是各級學(xué)校的本身要起到集體政治部的作用,或者說(shuō)起到集體干部部的作用。
- This symposium was convened by the Nanjing Military District who was appointed by the Main Political Department of the PLA. 這個(gè)座談會(huì )是解放軍總政治部委托南京軍區召開(kāi)的。
- Lindane to the military region party committee, the officer and the political department leads to his raise expresses thanks. 林丹對軍區黨委、首長(cháng)和政治部領(lǐng)導對他的培養表示感謝。
- Wenmingquanguo of the General Political Department Song and Dance Troupe of outstanding young singers is also flying from Houma Bai Lingniao. 聞名全國的總政歌舞團優(yōu)秀青年歌手譚晶也是從侯馬飛出的百靈鳥(niǎo)。
- Song and Dance Troupe of the General Political Department known outstanding young singers from the Houma Jing Tan Lark flying. 聞名全國的總政歌舞團優(yōu)秀青年歌手譚晶也是從侯馬飛出的百靈鳥(niǎo)。
- It used to be that when a man was transferred out of the army to a civilian unit,if he wasn't appointed director of a political department he was assigned some routine job. 過(guò)去從軍隊轉業(yè)到地方,無(wú)非去當政治部主任,搞政治工作或一般工作。
- We must see to it that,under the leadership of the General Political Department,all the greater military regions and all services and arms do well in this work. 在總政治部領(lǐng)導下,各大軍區、軍兵種一定要把這件事情辦好。
- The PLA's general headquarters/departments system is composed of the General Staff Headquarters,the General Political Department,the General Logistics Department and the General Armaments Department,which are placed under the leadership of the CMC. 中國人民解放軍的總部體制,由中央軍事委員會(huì )領(lǐng)導下的總參謀部、總政治部、總后勤部、總裝備部構成。
- The fact is,we should increase the responsibilities of the General Staff Headquarters,the General Political Department and the General Logistics Department,and have only a small co-ordinating organization above them. 真正來(lái)說(shuō),就是加強總參謀部、總政治部、總后勤部三總部的工作責任,上面有一個(gè)小的協(xié)調機構就行了。
- Through the General Staff Headquarters,the General Political Department,the General Logistics Department and the General Armaments Department,the CMC exercises operational command over the whole PLA and leadership for the development of the PLA. 中央軍委通過(guò)總參謀部、總政治部、總后勤部、總裝備部對全軍實(shí)施作戰指揮和建設領(lǐng)導。
- Prior to the Sixth Plenary Session of the Central Committee,the General Political Department of the Chinese People's Liberation Army raised the question of criticizing the film script Unrequited Love. 中央委員六中全會(huì )以前,中國人民解放軍總政提出了批評《苦戀》的問(wèn)題。
- Some people think that closure of the political departments means that political work is not necessary. 現在有人認為,取消政治部就是不做政治工作了。
- Prior to the Sixth Plenary Session of the Central Committee [late June 1981], the General Political Department of the Chinese People's Liberation Army raised the question of criticizing the film script Unrequited Love. 六中全會(huì )以前,總政提出了批評《苦戀》的問(wèn)題。
- Through the General Staff Headquarters, the General Political Department, the General Logistics Department and the General Armaments Department, the CMC exercises operational command over the whole PLA and leadership for the development of the PLA. 中央軍委通過(guò)總參謀部、總政治部、總后勤部、總裝備部對全軍實(shí)施作戰指揮和建設領(lǐng)導。
- We have to strengthen the collective leadership of the Party committees in the army,strengthen its political departments and raise their prestige. 要加強軍隊黨委的集體領(lǐng)導,要加強政治機關(guān),提高政治機關(guān)的威信。
- Zhao Daming is the first-degree state screenwriter of the Central Political Department Chorus and the committeeman of Dancing Theory &Learning Committee of Chinese Dancing Association. 總政歌舞團國家一級編劇。中國舞協(xié)舞蹈理論學(xué)術(shù)委員會(huì )委員。
- The right to dissent is part of our political system. 有持異議的權利是我們政治體制的組成部分。
- The riot can be considered a symptom of political instability. 這次暴動(dòng)可看作是政治上不穩定的征兆。