- The troops poised for a final battle. 部隊為決戰作好準備。
- The economy is poised for recovery. 經(jīng)濟呈復蘇之勢。
- Our fighter planes were readied for battle. 我們的戰斗機已做好戰斗的準備。
- The local economy is poised for take-off. 當地的經(jīng)濟蓄勢待發(fā)。
- Napoleon arrayed his troops for battle. 拿破侖部署他的軍隊以便作戰。
- The soldiers girded themselves for battle. 士兵們作好戰斗準備。
- I kept my stick poised for instant use. 我始終拿好棍子,以備急用。
- The economy is poised for take-off. 經(jīng)濟蓄勢待發(fā)。
- The general arrayed his troops for battle. 將軍使軍隊列隊準備戰斗。
- The lark was poised for a moment before turning on its wings. 那只云雀在變更方向以前在空中停了片刻。
- A horse trained for battle;a cavalry horse. 戰馬訓練來(lái)作戰的馬;騎兵的坐騎
- The locusts looked like horses prepared for battle. 蝗蟲(chóng)的形狀,好像預備出戰的馬一樣。
- He drew his sword to get ready for battle. 他拔出了寶劍,準備戰斗。
- A horse trained for battle; a cavalry horse. 戰馬訓練來(lái)作戰的馬;騎兵的坐騎
- They girded themselves for battle. 他們準備作戰。
- Eight years later, though, the KGB men seemed poised for revenge. 八年后,克格勃們不再憤憤不平,需求報復了。
- Kratos : Return to Sparta and prepare for battle. 奎托斯:回到斯巴達,作好戰斗準備。
- The general marshaled his army for battle. 將軍帥部作戰。
- The bird poised for a few moments before it attacked. 這只鳥(niǎo)在進(jìn)攻之前停留了一段時(shí)間。
- The nation must arm its soldiers for battle. 國家必須裝備士兵,以防打仗。