For it indicates that the Chinese people's democratic revolution against imperialism and feudalism will soon reach a turning point. 就是說(shuō),它表示我們中國反對帝國主義和封建主義的人民民主革命,快要進(jìn)到一個(gè)轉變點(diǎn)了。
It is precisely in the present War of Resistance Against Japan that we are striving to reach the turning point from failure to victory. 抗日戰爭就要努力達到這個(gè)由失敗到勝利的轉變點(diǎn)。
Do all those effects add up to a tipping point? 這些效應全部加起來(lái),是否已達某個(gè)臨界點(diǎn)?
It is a point where our old models must be discarded and a new reality rules. 在這個(gè)臨界點(diǎn)上,舊世界的規則與模型要拋棄而被代以新的規則。