Forestry Administration personnel cut open a firebreak and then burn back the underbrush to prevent the fire from spreading to the valuable Chinese juniper afforestation area. 林務(wù)局人員開(kāi)出一條防火巷后引火回燒,以阻絕火勢,保護高價(jià)值的檜木造林地。
New research shows that although planting trees alone is unlikely to solve our climate problems, large-scale plantations could have a significant effect in the longer term. 新的研究顯示雖然單獨植樹(shù)未必可以解救我們的氣候問(wèn)題,但就長(cháng)期來(lái)看大規模的造林地對于氣候的改善卻可有顯著(zhù)的效力。