- The planned purchase and supply of grain recently put into effect has given a big impetus to socialism. 這次實(shí)行糧食的計劃收購和計劃供應,對于社會(huì )主義也是很大的推動(dòng)。
- Planned purchase and supply by the state 國家統購統銷(xiāo)
- Shanghai Food plan supply is the part of National whole plan, The enaction of the Central Purchase and Supply of Grain directly resulted in the creation of Shanghai Food plan supply system. 上海的糧食計劃供應是國家整體計劃的一部分,國家統購統銷(xiāo)政策的出臺直接導致了上海糧食計劃供應制度的生成。
- Establish the purchase and supply plan 制定采購及供應計劃
- the unified purchase and supply system 統一采購供應體系
- Streamlined acquisition and supply processes are the direct result of effective purchasing and supply management. 精簡(jiǎn)的采購流程是采購管理的有效實(shí)施最直接的前提。
- Disseminate information and provide training related to purchasing and supply management policies and procedures. 傳播信息,提供有關(guān)采購和供應管理政策與程序的培訓。
- The exams measure knowledge, skills, and abilities in the purchasing and supply management arena. 考試是對采購與供應管理領(lǐng)域的知識、技巧和能力的衡量與測試。
- The list of the assets under planned purchase and the price thereof; 擬購買(mǎi)資產(chǎn)的清單、價(jià)格;
- Develop goals and objectives of purchasing and supply department aligned to organizational goals. 根據組織整體目標制定采購供應部門(mén)的具體目標和方向。
- State and local government: purchasing and supply management professionals in state, county and municipal governments. 州及地方政府:各州、郡和地方政府的采購和管理專(zhuān)家。
- Purchase and put what problem should note again? 購置和擺放又要注重哪些問(wèn)題呢?
- Trent and Robert Handfield, Purchasing and Supply Chain Management, South-Western College Publishing...... 一些關(guān)于供應鏈管理的參考資料來(lái)源,有興趣的可以參閱[2003-11-0307:10:53
- This is your purchase and the guarantee. 這是您購買(mǎi)的物品和保修單。
- Institutions: purchasing and supply management professionals for hospitals, educational institutions and non-profit organizations. 機構團體:來(lái)自醫院、教育機構和非贏(yíng)利性團體的采購與供應管理專(zhuān)家。
- Retail: purchasing and supply management professionals who purchase items "not for resale" and those who are strictly involved in resale such as apparel, furniture, books, and appliances. 零售業(yè):這些采購和供應管理專(zhuān)家購買(mǎi)的目的不是“重新賣(mài)出”而又于再次賣(mài)出分不開(kāi)家,如:服裝、家具、書(shū)籍和器具等。
- Demand and supply can be balanced. 供求關(guān)系可加以協(xié)調。
- Food: purchasing and supply management professionals for food manufacturers, food distributors, food retailers, tobacco industry, agricultural entities, and restaurants. 食品行業(yè):來(lái)自食品制造、派送、零售行業(yè),煙草業(yè),農業(yè)實(shí)體和飯店等行業(yè)的采購與供應管理專(zhuān)家。
- Services: purchasing and supply management professionals for banks, financial institutions, utilities, insurance, communications, real estate, hospitality, etc. 服務(wù)業(yè):來(lái)自銀行業(yè)、金融機構、公共事業(yè)、保險、通信、房地產(chǎn)、賓館餐飲業(yè)的采購與供應管理專(zhuān)家。
- Test questions are designed to determine a candidate's ability to understand, apply, analyze, interpret and evaluate purchasing and supply management tasks. 考試試題用來(lái)衡量考生對采購和供應管理任務(wù)的理解、應用、分析、解釋和評估。