- We were only a pilot project, a demonstration unit. 我們只是一個(gè)試驗性質(zhì)的計劃,只是一個(gè)示范的單位。
- The company sets up a pilot project to see if the proposed manufacturing system is efficient. 公司提出一個(gè)小規模實(shí)驗方案以觀(guān)設想的生產(chǎn)體系是否有效。
- Farmers Field School Initiated in Wuchuan Pilot Project Site. 農民田間學(xué)校在武川項目點(diǎn)舉辦。
- About 300 eateries are taking part in the month-long pilot project. 三百間食肆參與長(cháng)達一個(gè)月之試驗計劃。
- The number of cities selected for the pilot project to optimize the capital structure increased from 58 to 111. 優(yōu)化資本結構試點(diǎn)城市由58個(gè)擴大到111個(gè)。
- The company set up a pilot project to see if the propose manufacturing system is efficient. 公司提出一個(gè)小規模實(shí)驗方案以觀(guān)設想的生產(chǎn)體系是否有效。
- Three Kodak film and photo processing plants in Kodak Park agreed to participate in the pilot project. 在柯達園區的3個(gè)柯達膠片和照片制造工廠(chǎng)同意參加這一試點(diǎn)項目。
- Construction work on two pilot projects is in progress. 目前有兩項混合發(fā)展試驗計劃正在施工。
- As part of the pilot project,the falcons will be flying five days a week for the next five months. 按照試驗項目規定的要求,這些獵鷹在接下來(lái)的五個(gè)月中,每周將工作五天。
- Participants discussing on three pilot projects in groups. 與會(huì )者就三項試點(diǎn)計劃進(jìn)行分組討論。
- Have you ever tried to explain a pilot project to a broke, desperate, disabled man who plead for a job? 你曾經(jīng)嘗試過(guò)向一個(gè)一文不值,毫無(wú)希望,向你哀求工作的殘廢者解釋一個(gè)試驗性質(zhì)的計劃嗎?
- Summary of Pilot Project of Substituting Small Hydropwer for Fuel of Tongren city, Guizhou Prov. 貴州省銅仁市小水電代燃料項目進(jìn)展情況概要。
- SFP sponsored 5 extension workers from Zizhong pork pilot project to the training course. 小農戶(hù)項目資助來(lái)自資中豬肉示范項目點(diǎn)的5名推廣人員參與此次培訓課程。
- As part of the pilot project, the falcons will be flying five days a week for the next five months. 按照試驗項目規定的要求,這些獵鷹在接下來(lái)的五個(gè)月中,每周將工作五天,輪番上陣對付海鷗。
- A psychologist will oversee a pilot project teaching "happiness lessons" from the start of the next academic year. 從下個(gè)學(xué)年初開(kāi)始,一位心理學(xué)家將對“快樂(lè )學(xué)”的授課試點(diǎn)項目進(jìn)行監督指導。
- Third, the construction of culture is the important assure of deepening the innovation and doing open pilot project. 第三、文化建設是改革開(kāi)放和實(shí)現現代化的重要保證。
- The pilot project, limited to 1,600 patients, was quickly oversubscribed, said C. “試點(diǎn)工程,僅限1600人,注冊人數很快就超額了?!?/li>
- Praise God for the successful completion of FEBCambodia's pilot project in the village of Phum Kraol. 為柬埔寨遠東在逢卡羅村的試驗計畫(huà)圓滿(mǎn)完成來(lái)贊美神。
- Last year, British Columbia brought in a pilot project that reimburses lie donors up to $5,500 for similar expenses. 去年,不列顛哥倫比亞引進(jìn)了一項試驗性計劃,該計劃為類(lèi)似花費的在世捐獻者提供高達%245500的補償。
- The pilot project includes MSM crowd epidemic investigation and integrated control of two parts. 此次試點(diǎn)工作主要包括MSM人群疫情調查和綜合防治兩部分。