- Each physical disk is duplicated in the array. 每個(gè)物理磁盤(pán)都在陣列中有自己的鏡像副本。
- This must be done for each physical disk resource. 必須對每個(gè)物理磁盤(pán)資源執行此操作。
- The physical disk resource is the shared disk in the cluster. 物理磁盤(pán)資源是群集中的共享磁盤(pán)。
- Make sure the physical disk resource is in the right group. 確保物理磁盤(pán)資源在正確的組中。
- The shared disk must have a physical disk resource in the cluster. 共享磁盤(pán)在群集中必須具有物理磁盤(pán)資源。
- Assign each group its own set of Physical Disk resources. 為每組分配各自的物理磁盤(pán)資源集。
- Select the disks and disk size to extend the volume. 選擇磁盤(pán)和磁盤(pán)大小以擴展磁盤(pán)卷。
- You can select the disks and set the disk size for this volume. 您可以選擇磁盤(pán)并為此卷設置磁盤(pán)大小。
- The same physical disk resource may be referenced by multiple databases. 多個(gè)數據庫可能引用同一物理磁盤(pán)資源。
- If one physical disk dies, the linear volume is generally unrecoverable. 如果一個(gè)物理磁盤(pán)報廢,線(xiàn)性卷通常不可恢復。
- Place data files on a separate physical disk drive from the database. 將數據文件與數據庫放在不同的物理磁盤(pán)驅動(dòng)器上。
- Please see the VMS HELP on INITIALIZE /CLUSTER_SIZE for restrictions on specifying a cluster_size lower than the minimum for that disk size. 請參考 INITIALIZE /CLUSTER_SIZE 命令的 VMS HELP 內容,了解相關(guān)對磁盤(pán)中最小 Cluster 大小的限制。
- For more information about disk size, public folder growth rates, and general capacity planning, see Exchange Public Folder Best Practices: Managing Data. 有關(guān)磁盤(pán)大小、公用文件夾增長(cháng)率和常規容量規劃的詳細信息,請參閱Exchange公用文件夾最佳實(shí)踐:管理數據。
- Given a relative record number, it is possible to compute a physical disk address. 就可計算出磁盤(pán)上的一個(gè)物理地址。
- In most cases, you should use DiskPar to align your hard disk's tracks with the physical disk partition. 大多數情況下,應使用DiskPar來(lái)使硬盤(pán)磁道與物理磁盤(pán)分區對齊。
- Please select floppy disk size. 選擇軟盤(pán)的格式。
- The number of physical disk write operations that are performed by the server on behalf of the event. 由服務(wù)器代表事件寫(xiě)入物理磁盤(pán)的次數。
- The IBM Workplace server collects this information from all existing component instances periodically and allows Workplace administrators to monitor the usage as well as disk size of applications and components. IBM Workplace服務(wù)器周期性地從所有現有組件實(shí)例收集該信息,并允許Workplace管理員監控應用程序和組件的使用及磁盤(pán)大小。
- Therefore, you may have sufficient physical disk space, but the performance may not be sufficient for the user load. 因此,可能擁有了足夠的物理磁盤(pán)空間,但是性能卻不足以滿(mǎn)足用戶(hù)的負載。
- How much physical disk space is on the drives that house the Exchange store databases? Exchange存儲數據庫所在的驅動(dòng)器上有多少物理磁盤(pán)空間?