- Each physical disk is duplicated in the array. 每個(gè)物理磁盤(pán)都在陣列中有自己的鏡像副本。
- This must be done for each physical disk resource. 必須對每個(gè)物理磁盤(pán)資源執行此操作。
- The physical disk resource is the shared disk in the cluster. 物理磁盤(pán)資源是群集中的共享磁盤(pán)。
- Make sure the physical disk resource is in the right group. 確保物理磁盤(pán)資源在正確的組中。
- The shared disk must have a physical disk resource in the cluster. 共享磁盤(pán)在群集中必須具有物理磁盤(pán)資源。
- Assign each group its own set of Physical Disk resources. 為每組分配各自的物理磁盤(pán)資源集。
- The same physical disk resource may be referenced by multiple databases. 多個(gè)數據庫可能引用同一物理磁盤(pán)資源。
- If one physical disk dies, the linear volume is generally unrecoverable. 如果一個(gè)物理磁盤(pán)報廢,線(xiàn)性卷通常不可恢復。
- Place data files on a separate physical disk drive from the database. 將數據文件與數據庫放在不同的物理磁盤(pán)驅動(dòng)器上。
- Given a relative record number, it is possible to compute a physical disk address. 就可計算出磁盤(pán)上的一個(gè)物理地址。
- In most cases, you should use DiskPar to align your hard disk's tracks with the physical disk partition. 大多數情況下,應使用DiskPar來(lái)使硬盤(pán)磁道與物理磁盤(pán)分區對齊。
- The number of physical disk write operations that are performed by the server on behalf of the event. 由服務(wù)器代表事件寫(xiě)入物理磁盤(pán)的次數。
- Therefore, you may have sufficient physical disk space, but the performance may not be sufficient for the user load. 因此,可能擁有了足夠的物理磁盤(pán)空間,但是性能卻不足以滿(mǎn)足用戶(hù)的負載。
- How much physical disk space is on the drives that house the Exchange store databases? Exchange存儲數據庫所在的驅動(dòng)器上有多少物理磁盤(pán)空間?
- For a physical disk to be on this list, it must host real data for the database. 若要讓物理磁盤(pán)在此列表中列出,它必須駐留數據庫的真實(shí)數據。
- This could be a physical disk or some subset of the physical disk space such as an FDISK partition. 這可以是一個(gè)物理磁盤(pán),或物理磁盤(pán)空間的某個(gè)子集,例如:一個(gè)FDISK分區。
- You must do this to prevent the physical disk resource from going into a failed state. 必須這樣做以防止物理磁盤(pán)資源進(jìn)入故障狀態(tài)。
- Microsoft recommends that you put MS DTC in its own group with its own physical disk resource, if it is possible. Microsoft建議盡可能將MS DTC放在自己的組和自己的物理磁盤(pán)資源中。
- Depending on the type of server cluster you implement, the quorum disk may or may not be a physical disk on the shared cluster disk array. 根據實(shí)現的服務(wù)器群集類(lèi)型,仲裁磁盤(pán)可能是共享群集磁盤(pán)陣列上的物理磁盤(pán),也可能不是。
- To use this parameter, the data path that you specify must exist, and it must have a physical disk resource in the cluster. 要使用此參數,指定的數據路徑必須存在,并且在群集中必須具有物理磁盤(pán)資源。