- Abstract: It is important for the commercial real estate to be differentia,which means not only from the perspective of market, but also based on reflecting specialization and thematicalization. 摘要:商業(yè)地產(chǎn)項目具有差異化至關(guān)重要。差異化包括初級的來(lái)自市場(chǎng)意義的差異化,以及深層次的體現專(zhuān)業(yè)化、主題化的差異化。
- We struck oil only after years of market research. 我們花了好幾年功夫去作市場(chǎng)研究以后才大發(fā)利市。
- Mr Smith takes care of marketing and publicity. 史密斯先生負責產(chǎn)品的銷(xiāo)售與推廣。
- Moral Consequence of Market Failure? 完美市場(chǎng)不需要道德嗎?
- Refer the report of market and saleroom. 提交季度市場(chǎng)及銷(xiāo)售報告。
- Benton Co. Is the biggest in terms of market share. 本頓公司的市場(chǎng)份額最大。
- We try our best to meet the demand of market. 我們盡力滿(mǎn)足市場(chǎng)需求。
- This is one scene of market in town. 四川南江縣城農貿市場(chǎng)一景。
- What is the goal of market analysis? 市場(chǎng)分析的目的是什么?
- Rapid and continuous Change of Market Trend. 配合市場(chǎng)迅速及持續的轉變。
- The overall level of market prices declined. 市場(chǎng)價(jià)格總水平下降。
- Above 1 year of market research DP experence. 在市場(chǎng)研究公司從事數據處理工作一年或以上。
- This paper studies the role of market liquidity. 摘要本文研究市場(chǎng)流動(dòng)性的作用。
- Market prices: Change of market prices was stable. 市場(chǎng)價(jià)格:物價(jià)走勢基本穩定。
- Equal competition is the core of market order. 平等競爭是市場(chǎng)秩序的核心。
- How the Concept of Market Economy be Presented? 市場(chǎng)經(jīng)濟概念是怎樣提出來(lái)的?
- I now live with a perspective of great paradox. 我現在帶著(zhù)十分矛盾的看法生活著(zhù)。
- Enterprise is the main body of market. 企業(yè)是市場(chǎng)的基本主體。
- Contains a list of perspectives of the model. 包含模型的透視列表。
- Get the perspective of a few outsiders. 可以找一些外行人做個(gè)調查。