personality type

  • 人格類(lèi)型; 個(gè)性類(lèi)型

personality type的用法和樣例:


  1. Among other personality types, this compensation usually backfires.
    在其它的人格類(lèi)型中,這種補償通常會(huì )事與愿違。
  2. Try to identify the personality type of everyone that you encounter frequently in your life.
    努力鑒別所有你的人生中會(huì )常常遇到的人的人格類(lèi)型。
  3. This mentality has created a whole personality type, that of the chat room Flamer.
    這種智力斗爭創(chuàng )造出了一個(gè)群體個(gè)性類(lèi)型,即,聊天室的噴火器。
  4. There are numerous career opportunities in advertising which generally coincide with specific personality types.
    廣告中就業(yè)機會(huì )眾多,總體上與各種個(gè)性類(lèi)型相匹配。
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