Bad companies are rarely allowed to fail because bankruptcies are seen as a black mark on the personal files of local bureaucrats. 經(jīng)營(yíng)不善的公司很少被準予倒閉,因為破產(chǎn)被認為是地方官員人事檔案中的污點(diǎn)。
And detective work by a British historian has unearthed millions of personal records which should help identify thousands of soldiers killed and wounded during the First World War. 一位英國歷史學(xué)家經(jīng)過(guò)探測斟察,挖掘出了數百萬(wàn)份人事檔案,這些檔案可以確定一戰時(shí)期陣亡或受傷士兵的身份。