- Or the Bridport person living abroad kills him. 因為他們沒(méi)有想要鳥(niǎo)流感。
- Is the person living how so painstaking? 人活著(zhù)怎么這么辛苦???
- Is the person living why so tired? So painstaking? 人活著(zhù)為什么那么累?那么辛苦?
- Is the person living what thing is the happiest thing? 人活著(zhù)最開(kāi)心的事是什么事情呢?
- New "Second unit system for results display" option in the Results preferences. 新的 二次單元系統顯示 功能,選擇結果表征參數。
- All metric unit systems are based, at least in part, on the International Metric Standards. 所有米制單位都是以國際米制標準為基礎的,至少部分是如此。
- Automatics Business And Control United System Inc. 自動(dòng)商業(yè)及控制聯(lián)合系統股份有限公司。
- Suite is also applicable: Its explaination is: A series of connected rooms used as a living unit. 一套房間,套房:一系列作為一個(gè)生活單位的相互連接的房子。
- A house divided into two living units or residences, usually having separate entrances. 聯(lián)式房屋分為兩個(gè),一般具有各自出口的居住部分的房屋
- The default weight is 100, which corresponds to one line in the default unit system. 默認權重為100,它對應于默認單元系統中的一行。
- The human body is composed of trillions of cells closely functioning together. A cell is also the smallest living unit in the body. 人體是由數十億個(gè)緊密地配合著(zhù)工作的細胞組成,細胞也是人體內最細小的生命單位。
- The unit system originated from the Daruqachi in Yeke Mongol Ulus and the administrative system in the Jin Dynasty. 本文認為,“畫(huà)境”十道是窩闊臺時(shí)期的中原政區劃分,其木身即為蒙古達魯花赤制度與中原分路之制相結合的產(chǎn)物。
- Other school systems have rules against named schools after any person living or dead. 其他一些學(xué)校體系反對用任何活人或死人的名字命名。
- The working unit system and community system are important governance modes in our country. 摘要單位制和社區制是我國城市社會(huì )治理的兩大重要模式。
- What should be stressed was that these numbers were approximations which vary from the differences of personal living styles. 應該強調的是,這些數字都是近似值,并且隨著(zhù)個(gè)人生活方式的不同而有所不同。
- Hope to look for to an apprehensibility, forgive the person's personage, walk together the perfect person living. 希望能尋找到一個(gè)能理解,包容人的人士,共同走完人生。
- Make use of adjustable fan unit system , Touching Switchgear adjust voltage , keep the wind speed of working area always in perfect status. 采用可調風(fēng)量風(fēng)機系統,輕觸式開(kāi)關(guān)調節電壓,保證工作區風(fēng)速始終處理想狀態(tài)。
- Through these three products in the residential communities on the coexistence of various types can meet a basic needs of life for older persons older persons living communities. 通過(guò)這三種老齡住宅產(chǎn)品在社區內的共存,才可以形成滿(mǎn)足各類(lèi)型老齡人基本生活需求的老齡人生活社區。
- Hangyang will supply fire-new distillation unit system: LP column, MP column, argon tower, cold box and other main equipments inside cold box. 杭氧提供全新的分餾塔系統:上、塔、塔、箱及冷箱內其它主要設備。
- Roman Catholic Church) the act of declaring that a deceased person lived a holy life and is worthy of public veneration; a first step toward canonization. (羅馬天主教)宣布死者過(guò)一種神圣的生活并值得尊敬的行為;首先追認為圣者。