- She angled her column of chitchat toward teenagers. 她的漫談欄側重于十幾歲的青少年。
- He used to write a column for this newspaper. 他過(guò)去曾為這家報紙寫(xiě)專(zhuān)欄文章。
- His column is syndicated throughout the world. 他的專(zhuān)欄文章通過(guò)報業(yè)辛迪加在世界許多報刊上發(fā)表。
- The column is surmounted by a statue. 柱頂上樹(shù)立了一尊雕像。
- Nelson's Column is a famous monument in London. 納爾遜紀念碑是倫敦著(zhù)名的紀念碑。
- He always read the sports column in the Times. 他總是閱讀《泰晤士報》的體育欄。
- The top part of a pillar or column. 柱頭一根柱子或圓柱的頂端部分
- Hard plastic enema tips can perforate the rectum. 硬的塑料灌腸嘴會(huì )刺破直腸。
- This machine can perforate the sheets of stamps. 這臺機器能在整版郵票上打孔。
- A column in the periodic table of the elements. 屬,族元素周期表上的一欄
- The column, four abreast, stretched out over one kilometre. 隊伍4個(gè)人一行,長(cháng)達1公里以上。
- Your ear drum has been perforate. 您的耳鼓膜穿孔了。
- The company commander ranked his soldiers in a column four deep. 連長(cháng)將士兵們排成四列縱隊。
- The perfor mance indexes thereof are tested. 檢測了該醇酸樹(shù)脂的各項性能。
- Can you add up this column of figures? 你能把這行數字加起來(lái)嗎?
- Marching at the head of the column was our teacher. 走在隊伍前頭的是我們的老師。
- It seems from your correspondence column that Harold Wilson is a sacred cow. 從你的讀者來(lái)信專(zhuān)欄看,哈羅德·威爾遜好像是個(gè)批評不得的人。
- You must cast up this column of figures carefully. 你必須認真地將這一欄數字加在一起。
- The column stands on a narrow base. 柱子豎立在狹窄的地基上。
- After three hours of bitter fighting, an entire enemy column was knocked out. 經(jīng)過(guò)3個(gè)小時(shí)的激戰,敵人整個(gè)縱隊都被殲滅。