- Summer is the peak period for most hotels. 夏季是大多數旅館的旺季。
- His peak period of his life has already passed. 他人生中的事業(yè)顛峰時(shí)期已經(jīng)過(guò)去了
- We employ trainee waiter to help in the restaurant at peak period. 在營(yíng)業(yè)高峰期間我們飯館雇用一些實(shí)習服務(wù)員。
- We employ trainee waiters to help in the restaurant at peak period. 在營(yíng)業(yè)高峰期間我們飯館雇用一些實(shí)習服務(wù)員。
- March is one of the peak periods for our business. 三月是我們公司業(yè)務(wù)最繁忙的時(shí)期之一。
- The aim is to reduce traffic at peak periods. 目的是緩解高峰期間的交通狀況。
- Traffic congestion is really bad at peak periods. 高峰時(shí)段的交通擁擠非常嚴重。
- This may be a peak period for the battle against the spread of a waistline and creeping cholesterol. 今天也許是人們?yōu)闇p少腰圍和降低膽固醇而斗爭的高峰期。
- Fruits are favorably priced for the peak period, and don't miss this golden opportunity. 水果旺季優(yōu)惠,請勿錯過(guò)機會(huì )。
- With domestic tourism trips July and August were the peak period of arrival, travel route fares will be rising. 隨著(zhù)七八月份國內旅游出行的高峰期到來(lái),旅游航線(xiàn)也將出現票價(jià)上漲的情況。
- The peak period of vibrio density matched the epidemic period of vibriosis in fish. 弧菌的高值期與弧菌病的流行期相吻合,魚(yú)體受傷或其他原因引起細菌感染也會(huì )使水體中細菌數量升高。
- Aztec empire in the peak period, almost controlled the whole of Central America. 阿茲特克帝國在巔峰時(shí)期,幾乎控制了整個(gè)中美洲。
- The weekend and peak period surcharge for US/Canada route is based on first SQ sector. 美加航線(xiàn)價(jià)格的周末/旺季附加費收取是以第一個(gè)SQ航段的日期為準。
- Peak period rates apply for departures on Friday - Sunday, e...lic Holidays &Public Holidays. 旺季在這里是指星期五到日、公共假期與公共假期前夕。
- Figure1 exhibits that there are two peak period of N uptake by both of traditional and modified nitrogen application methods. 從圖1看出傳統施氮方法和改良方法都有兩個(gè)吸氮高峰期。
- In the peak period, she and Zhao Ruirui, Liu Yanan and Zhou Suhong and tactics with others in the international row altar unstoppable. 在顛峰時(shí)期,她與趙蕊蕊、劉亞男、周蘇紅和等人的戰術(shù)配合在國際排壇勢不可擋。
- Early in the evening peak period of work, increased focus on timely sections of lines of police vehicles patrolling density. 在早中晚上下班高峰期,適時(shí)增加重點(diǎn)路段、線(xiàn)路的警車(chē)巡邏密度。
- Also circulating between the businessman a such words, peak period is briefer and briefer, off-season longer and longer. 商家之間也在傳布如許一句話(huà),旺季越來(lái)越短,淡季越來(lái)越長(cháng)。
- Vacuoles in the synergids tended to concentrate mainly in the chalazal region.There was a peak period of lipid formation in the two synergids. 三是助細胞與珠心相接胚囊壁有些部位出現十分明顯的突起,個(gè)別突起內有大型嗜鋨體。
- Results showed that September to October is the peak period for the shorebird during southward migration, which might last for 100 days. 南遷期間雁鴨類(lèi)物種數和總數量持續增加,但鷺類(lèi)和鷗類(lèi)卻持續下降。