- Most of them inhi bited mycelial growth of the pathogen in vitro. 在實(shí)驗室內測定,大多數菌株對紋枯病菌絲有較強的抑制作用。
- He is a specialist in skin diseases. 他是皮膚病的專(zhuān)家。
- The skin was basked in skin, how repair? 皮膚被曬脫了皮,怎么修復?
- Location of infection was mainly in skin and mucosa. 感染發(fā)生的部位86.;7%25為皮膚黏膜;
- The throat is moderate in skin with a double dewlap. 喉嚨處皮膚適度松弛,形成雙層贅肉。
- Biofeedback training to observe the changes in skin temperature. 觀(guān)察生物反饋訓練時(shí)的皮溫變化。
- Strong increase in skin, the skin smoothness smooth. 增加肌膚結實(shí)度,令肌膚柔滑順暢。
- Do you know of any clinic that specializes in skin diseases? 你知不知道有哪間診所是專(zhuān)治皮膚病的?
- Investigation on Pathogen in Case with Cervical Erosion in STD Outpatients. 性病門(mén)診中宮頸糜爛患者病原微生物感染情況調查。
- The pathogen in the waters are viruses, bacteria, protozoa and helminths. 水中有病毒、細菌、原生動(dòng)物、蠕蟲(chóng)等多種病原體。
- Objective To investigate the etiologic pathogen in a colony febrile event. 摘要目的查找一起群體發(fā)熱事件的病原體。
- Shigella ,the most regular pathogen in Enterobacteriaceae, could easily cause human enteric infection. 志賀氏菌是最常見(jiàn)的腸桿菌科的病原菌,可引起人類(lèi)腸道傳染病。
- Conclusions: Haemophilus influenzae is a relatively rare pathogen in infectious scleritis after pterygium excision. 結論:在翼狀贅片切除術(shù)后發(fā)生的感染性鞏膜炎,嗜血性流感菌是一罕見(jiàn)的致病菌。
- The fungus can not be neglected as the pathogen in chronic suppurative otitis media. 真菌在慢性化膿性中耳炎致病菌中不容忽視。
- The pathogen in the outbreak of penaeid shrimp diseases in Zhejiang and Guangdong provinces was examined in 2005. 摘要對2005年浙江省和廣東省部分養殖場(chǎng)南美白對蝦的急性傳染病病原進(jìn)行了研究。
- Conclusion HP may be one of the pathogen in rasacea.HP plays a role in the occurrence and development of rosacea. 結論幽門(mén)螺桿菌感染可能是酒渣鼻的一個(gè)病因,幽門(mén)螺桿菌感染對酒渣鼻的發(fā)生發(fā)展起了一定的作用。
- The appearance and function were better in fascia lata flap than in skin flap. 用皮瓣修復的病例在外觀(guān)及功能上不如筋膜瓣滿(mǎn)意。
- VS-K Ingredients can powerfully adsorb water ion and seal water in skin. 同時(shí)VS-K成份能強效吸附水離子,鎖住水分不流失。
- So far we have no sufficient evidence to testify the seeds naturally infected withthe pathogen in growing field can transmit this disease. 作者通過(guò)大量的播種試驗,到目前為止還末能證實(shí)來(lái)自自然發(fā)病田的種子常規越冬后能夠傳病,相關(guān)工作正在進(jìn)行中。
- Ultraviolet radiation may result in skin changes, such as erythema, photoaging. 紫外線(xiàn)輻射可造成皮膚損傷,引起皮膚出現紅斑、光老化等。