Patent Bar Review is geared to one thing and one thing only - ensuring you pass the PTO Exam.Patent Bar Review offers you the most comprehensive patent bar review course available. 專(zhuān)利律師培訓唯一的目的就是確保學(xué)員通過(guò)專(zhuān)利商標局的考試,它向學(xué)員提供最全面的專(zhuān)利律師培訓課程,所有的課程材料都是針對考試的,這些材料包括最新的美國專(zhuān)利商標局規則。
He has set up in practice as a solicitor or a patent agent. 他已是一個(gè)開(kāi)業(yè)律師或專(zhuān)利代理人。
Before quitting their jobs at patent agencies, patent agents must appropriately conclude unsettled commissioned cases. 專(zhuān)利代理人調離專(zhuān)利代理機構前,必須妥善處理尚未辦結的專(zhuān)利代理案件。