- Keyword causes arguments to be passed by reference. 關(guān)鍵字使參數按引用傳遞。
- Value types are passed by value, not by reference. 值類(lèi)型是通過(guò)值傳遞的,而不是通過(guò)引用傳遞的。
- What are pass by reference and passby value? 問(wèn):什么是按參數傳遞和按值傳遞?
- Reference types are also passed by value and by reference. 引用類(lèi)型也通過(guò)值和通過(guò)引用傳遞。
- Reference types can be passed by value or by reference. 引用類(lèi)型可以通過(guò)值或通過(guò)引用傳遞。
- The out keyword causes arguments to be passed by reference. out關(guān)鍵字會(huì )導致參數通過(guò)引用來(lái)傳遞。
- Count of large object (lob) values that were passed by reference. 由引用傳遞的大型對象(LOB)值的計數。
- Unlike value types, classes are always passed by reference. 與值類(lèi)型不同,類(lèi)始終要通過(guò)引用來(lái)傳遞。
- Whether to warn when arguments are passed by reference at function call time. 在函數調用時(shí)參數被按照引用傳遞時(shí)是否發(fā)出警告。
- Returns the name of the key associated with the value passed by reference. 返回與通過(guò)引用傳遞的值關(guān)聯(lián)的鍵的名稱(chēng)。
- Note that the parameters for call_user_func() are not passed by reference. 的參數不是以引用的方式傳遞的。(???????
- In fact, the array is indistinguishable from any other parameter passed by reference. 實(shí)際上,該數組不能與通過(guò)引用傳遞的任何其他參數相區分。
- It is an error to declare to overloaded methods that differ only in whether a parameter is passed by reference or not. 聲明僅在參數是否通過(guò)引用傳遞這一點(diǎn)有區別的重載方法是錯誤的。
- Structure passed by reference, that identifies axis of rotation of the quaternion. 結構,標識該四元數的旋轉軸。
- Structure, passed by reference, that defines the storage medium in which the data is being passed. 結構,該結構定義其中正在傳遞數據的存儲介質(zhì)。
- In this example, the parameters need to be passed by reference to affect the variables in the calling program. 本示例中,需要通過(guò)引用傳遞參數以影響調用程序中的變量。
- Managed pointers are generated for method arguments that are passed by reference. 托管指針是為通過(guò)引用傳遞的方法參數而產(chǎn)生的。
- Passed by reference, that defines the storage medium containing the data being transferred. 它定義包含正在傳輸的數據的存儲介質(zhì)。
- If the Point value type is passed by reference, a pointer to a Point is passed on the stack. 如果Point值類(lèi)型通過(guò)引用傳遞,則指向Point的指針在堆棧上傳遞。
- The first two parameters are passed by value and the last parameter is passed by reference. 前兩個(gè)參數是按值傳遞的,最后一個(gè)參數是按引用傳遞的。