- A part of an apparatus that strikes a gong or bell,as in a clock. 鑼錘,小錘敲鑼或打鐘的機械中的一部分,如用于鐘表中的
- A part of an apparatus that strikes a gong or bell, as in a clock. 鑼錘,小錘敲鑼或打鐘的機械中的一部分,如用于鐘表中的
- The main parts of an apparatus of the circuitry adopt import product,the key control chip adopt two layers CPU. 電路主要器件采用原裝進(jìn)口,主控制芯片采用雙層CPU.
- Nowadays, every new Che Zhongping of the whole world all has the parts of an apparatus of more than 20 Ying Feiling. 現在,全世界的每輛新車(chē)中平均有超過(guò)20個(gè)英飛凌的器件。
- Brillant least of all case is listed company name and number of serial of parts of an apparatus. 最不高超的氣象就是列出公司名和器件序列號。
- Small sparkle, low noise, long longevity and safe use.They are applicable to home applianc motor and wsping contact of parts of an apparatus. 高電阻系列電刷:火花小、噪音低、壽命長(cháng)、使用安全可靠。適用家用電器電機及電器件的滑動(dòng)觸點(diǎn)。
- As for the elementary knowledge of this dissertation, expatiate and analyze systematically basilica parts of an apparatus:TMS320VC5402 DSP. 作為本課題的預備知識,對于本課題所用到的重要器件:TMS320V C5402 DSP芯片做了較系統地闡述和分析。
- Come for years, the market dimensions of photoelectricity parts of an apparatus and schism parts of an apparatus is almost equal. 可是估量到這十年末,光電半導體發(fā)賣(mài)支出將拉開(kāi)與分立器件的距離。
- Next, CPO is adopting new thinking with the need when contact with of supplier of memory parts of an apparatus, the thinking with older flexibility. 其次,CPO在與存儲器件供給商打交道時(shí)需要采納新思維,靈敏性更大的思維。
- Upper reaches yuan of price of parts of an apparatus reduce, for overall the enterprise depreciates provided ample space. 上游元器件價(jià)格的降低,為整機企業(yè)降價(jià)提供了充裕的空間。
- By presswork the cupreous coil of drive of matrix of plastic MEMS switch carries electric energy parts of an apparatus or appliance. 由印刷塑料MEMS開(kāi)關(guān)矩陣驅動(dòng)的銅線(xiàn)圈將電能輸送到器件。
- My inn had once been a part of an ancient ecclesiastical house. 我的客棧曾經(jīng)是一個(gè)古老教會(huì )的房子的一部分。
- His citing says, to in front the parts of an apparatus with a few when speak of this year the oldest increase rate, next year will have very big change. 他舉例說(shuō),對于前面談到的幾個(gè)本年增添率最大的器件,明年將會(huì )有很大的轉變。
- Among them, 50% what the crop of electroacoustic parts of an apparatus holds global output, small special 60% what the crop of electric machinery takes the whole world. 其中,電聲器件的產(chǎn)量占寰球產(chǎn)量的50%25,微特電機的產(chǎn)量占寰球的60%25。
- He spoke for the best part of an hour. 他講話(huà)用了大半個(gè)鐘頭
- He made up for the part of an old man. 他化裝扮演一個(gè)老頭兒。
- The trustees spent the best part of an hour chewing the matter over. 理事們花了大半個(gè)鐘頭反復認真討論了這個(gè)問(wèn)題。
- I spent the best part of an hour trying to find my car keys. 我花了近一個(gè)小時(shí)找汽車(chē)鑰匙。
- A clear plastic bubble or shell covering part of an aircraft. 鑲有玻璃的座艙飛機上由透明的玻璃構成的透明圓罩或殼狀物