- Parting line at the acceptable surface. 合模分布在合理可接受的表面。
- Parting line cleared and released properly? 分模線(xiàn)是否正確?
- Parting line locks are required on all molds. 瑣模塊所有的模具都需要。
- The parting line tolerance for gib installation is +.000/-.002. 安裝導板的分模線(xiàn)公差為+.;000/-
- Building Project Management Office On- line On- line Project Manage- ment Oveawiew I. 我的工程網(wǎng)--網(wǎng)絡(luò )工具促進(jìn)建筑業(yè)多元化發(fā)展。
- It may wholy stop earring water within 2-3 years and the Yanchi petro-carring water line project may have new water crisis. 鹽池縣水資源時(shí)空分布又很不均衡,地下水水質(zhì)也較差,要解決人飲問(wèn)題只能堅持從實(shí)際出發(fā),因地制宜,多水源、多渠道來(lái)解決。
- Some technical problems of distribution line project design for retrofit of urban power grid are introduced. 介紹江西城網(wǎng)改造配電線(xiàn)路工程設計上存在的一些技術(shù)問(wèn)題。
- There's an undercut at this position and it needs a slider. It will also have a parting line on this side, is that OK? 產(chǎn)品的這個(gè)位置不能出模,我們打算做行位,在此面上會(huì )有分模線(xiàn),你接受嗎?
- Becasue of hand deflashing, please mark the parting line into the drawing, and please let me know then the flash size. 因為手遮光,請將分界線(xiàn)在圖中標出來(lái),并告訴確切尺寸。
- And enters the lake using the northward rerouting of southern river east line project to direct the ditch to solve an old Hunan row of problem. 并利用南水北調東線(xiàn)工程進(jìn)湖引渠解決老湖南排問(wèn)題。
- Mould halves requiring accurate alignment of core and cavity, and shut off should have appropriate part line locks. 上、下模需要精確配合或有擦位的地方,模具一定要有直身鎖。
- This paper has discussed how to select geoidal model and how to determine normal height in GPS survey of long distance transmission line project. 就長(cháng)距離超高壓送電線(xiàn)路工程的GPS測量中如何選擇大地水準面模型,如何確定GPS測量的高程等問(wèn)題進(jìn)行了討論。
- The parting line at ends of block should be designed such that any offset is in 1"increments for maintenance purposes on core. 考慮到動(dòng)模維護需要,封膠面應有1”左右的偏移增量。
- It is already a necessary choice for all the cou ntries to push forward government on line project and construct electronic gover nment (e-government). 推進(jìn)政府上網(wǎng),構建“電子政府”,已是世界各國的必然抉擇。
- FC approved the resubmitted proposal for a remuneration package for the Chairman of the Appeal Board appointed by CE to hear the appeal case on the Spur Line project. 財委會(huì )批準當局重新提交的獲行政長(cháng)官委任聆訊支線(xiàn)工程計劃上訴個(gè)案的上訴委員會(huì )主席酬金方案。
- The optimization parting direction was determined after all undercut features were distinguished, and the parting line and parting surface were confirmed accordingly. 通過(guò)側凹特征的判別確定模具的優(yōu)化脫模方向,并確定模具的分型線(xiàn)和分型面。
- FC considered a proposal for a remuneration package for the Chairman of the Appeal Board appointed by CE to hear the appeal case on the Spur Line project. 財委會(huì )考慮獲行政長(cháng)官委任聆訊支線(xiàn)工程計劃上訴個(gè)案的上訴委員會(huì )主席的酬金方案。
- The selection of parting line,the determination of round sprue runner diameter,the design of round sprue runner shape and pouring gate form were presented. 介紹了模具分型面的位置選擇、圓形流道直徑的確定、圓形流道形狀的設計、澆口形式等。
- Materials of bolts (studs) and nuts used for nozzle flange shall be selected according to CIBA 3rd Line Project Piping Materials Classification (CSTL-T1300/H103). 設備口法蘭用單頭螺栓(雙頭螺栓)及螺母的材料根據CIBA第3條線(xiàn)工程管道材料等級表(CSTL-T1300/H103)選擇。
- If everyone does his part, the project will surely be a success. 如果大家都盡責,這個(gè)項目肯定會(huì )成功。