- Fig. 1. Symptom of leaf spot on Basella rubra. 一、落葵葉斑病之病徵。
- The pathogen of gray leaf spot had different pathogenicity. 玉米灰斑病病原菌種群中致病性存在差異。
- A short, solid, vertical underground stem with thin papery leaves. 短小、實(shí)心、直立生長(cháng)的地下莖,具薄紙質(zhì)的葉。
- The cercospora leaf spot is one of the main diseases infecting sugarbeet. 褐斑病是甜菜的主要病害之一,危害性很大。
- The pathogen was identified as cucumber target leaf spot according to Koch's Postulation and biological characteristics. 根據柯赫氏法則和生物學(xué)特性,鑒定為黃瓜褐斑病,又叫靶斑病。
- Effects of nitrogen and calcium on polyphenol oxidase, peroxidase and leaf spot in carnation. 氮鈣對香石竹多酚氧化酶、過(guò)氧化物酶和葉斑病的影響。
- Fig. 2. Conidiophores and conidia of Alternaria alternata produced on leaf spot of Basella rubra(A,B). 二、落葵葉斑病斑上的病原菌孢子梗及孢子(A,B)。
- And to angular leaf spot, 14 of all lines were resistant, two was susceptive, the others were mid-resistant. 14份材料抗角斑病,2份表現感病,其余均為中抗類(lèi)型;
- The resistance of soybean cultivars to the disease could affect the relationship of soybean frogeye leaf spot. 協(xié)方差分析結果表明,大豆品種的抗病性對這一相關(guān)關(guān)系有一定的影響。
- The result showed that the diseases endangeringleaf were blackspot disease,anthracnose,leaf spot and ring rot disease. 結果表明,危害銀杏葉片的病害主要有黑斑病、炭疽病、葉斑病和輪紋病。
- Field efficacy trials indicated relativity good control of banana sigatoka leaf spot disease. 田間藥效試驗結果表明,對香蕉葉斑病有較好的防效。
- The control effect of 800 times liquid of chlorothalonil on the leaf spot in C. longibracteatum was the best. 百菌清800倍液對春劍葉斑病的防治效果最好。
- There are Green Rainbow pheasant tail, gray leaf spot angle Pheasant, Swinhoe's white, and other rare birds. 還有綠尾虹雉、灰斑角雉、白鷴等珍禽。
- Bacterial leaf spot disease of malabar spinach (Basella rubra) was discovered in Jiangsu Province in 1994. The disease has not been reported before. 1994年在江蘇省南京及鎮江地區新發(fā)現了落葵細菌性葉斑病 ,從病斑所分離的 10個(gè)細菌菌株經(jīng)柯赫氏法則驗證 ,均確系該病的病原菌。
- The genetic correlation indicated that root yield,sugar content and sugar yield showed positive relations except Cercospora leaf spot resistance. 遺傳單粒型多倍體品種的各項經(jīng)濟性狀指標相對較差。 遺傳相關(guān)性分析表明,除褐斑病級與根產(chǎn)量、含糖率及產(chǎn)糖量呈負相關(guān)外,其余3個(gè)性狀間呈現正相關(guān)關(guān)系。
- But they were not resistant to cercospora leaf spot of sugarbeet and produced a lower sugar content in normal or light rhizomania infected field. 但該類(lèi)品種在無(wú)叢根病或輕度感染叢根病地種植,均表現不抗褐斑病,含糖分較低。
- The phenotypic correlation was positive for pod rot severity with leaf spot disease, but negative with pod and kernel yields, in spring crop. 外表型相關(guān),只有在春作莢果黑斑病罹病度與葉斑病呈顯著(zhù)正相關(guān),而與莢果及籽粒產(chǎn)量則呈顯著(zhù)負相關(guān)。
- papery leaves; wasps that make nests of papery material. 像紙的花瓣;黃蜂用像紙一樣的材料筑穴。
- The gray leaf spot (GLS) disease threatens seriously the sustainable development of maize production in recent years in North China. 摘要玉米灰斑病現已嚴重威脅中國北方玉米生產(chǎn)的可持續發(fā)展。