- With a Langmuir double probe,the plasma s properties have been studied preliminarily. 利用朗廖爾雙探針?lè )ǔ醪窖芯苛嗽撀菪ǖ入x子體的特性。
- Abstract: Doped VO2 films are materials of wide application prospect for it’s properties of phase transition. 摘 要 :摻雜VO2薄膜的相變特性決定了它具有廣闊的應用前景。
- Taking advantage of the Barker code s property of sharp... 計算機仿真結果表明系統信噪比有了一定的提高,成像質(zhì)量得到了改善。
- The redemption of one’s property is to buy it back actually. 贖回財產(chǎn)實(shí)際上是用錢(qián)把它買(mǎi)回來(lái)的意思。
- Our study shows that DAA's properties such as fluorescence, thermostability were improved through constructing aromatic or heteroaromatic ring on DAA's skeleton. 研究表明,通過(guò)在脫氫松香骨架上構建芳雜環(huán),脫氫松香的熒光性質(zhì)和耐熱性能能得到一定改善,這就為多功能脫氫松香衍生物的開(kāi)發(fā)奠定了基礎。
- Therefore ,modifying AN's properties to inhibit damping and caking has become a research subject of grcat interest in the commercial explosivcs industry. 因此,對硝酸銨進(jìn)行改性以抑制其吸濕和結塊成了工業(yè)炸藥界廣泛關(guān)注的課題。
- Restricted by its low coating amount, LWC’s properties consequently affected by the binder’s dosage, binder constituent’s ratio, and the characteristics of the binder used. 由于涂布量有限,涂料組成中,接著(zhù)劑之用量、配合比之選擇、本身的特質(zhì)、性狀等對涂布紙之性質(zhì)有重大影響。
- Amalgam was mixed with mercury by the silver, copper and the tin powder.It s properties can be improved by adding few metals like zinc, indium and palladium . 中文摘要汞齊合金主要是以銀、銅與錫之合金粉末與汞混合而成的合金,有時(shí)也會(huì )添加少量金屬(如鋅、銦、鈀等)以改善其性質(zhì)。
- It has been found that TFR s properties of temperature coefficient (TCR) and short-time overloaded can be enhanced with proper heat treatment technology. 研究了熱處理工藝對釕系厚膜電阻器的溫度系數(TCR)和短時(shí)間過(guò)負載性能的影響,發(fā)現適當的熱處理工藝可以改善厚膜電阻器的電性能。
- The demise of the old man 's property caused much dispute upon his death . 老人死時(shí),財產(chǎn)的讓渡問(wèn)題引起許多爭執。
- His sooty hand smudged the paper. 他被煤煙熏污的手把紙弄臟了。
- A series of undrained tests on typical Hangzhou intact soft clay were conducted to investigate the influence of cyclic principal stress rotation induced by traffic or wave loads on soil s properties. 摘要針對在交通、波浪等動(dòng)荷載下土體所受應力狀態(tài)具有主應力軸循環(huán)旋轉的特征,對杭州地區典型原狀軟黏土開(kāi)展不排水模擬試驗。
- All its stock in trade is glossy paper backs. 該店的全部現貨是光面的平裝書(shū)。
- Hard copy is computer output on paper, printing or graphics. 硬拷貝是出現在紙上、印刷上或圖表上的電腦輸出。
- The name and address of the firm are embossed on its paper. 商號的名字和地址凸印在信箋上。
- The paper has a wide readership. 該報擁有廣泛的讀者。
- He deplored the injustices of the laws automatically transferring a married woman 's property to her husband. 他哀嘆法律規定婦女一結婚其財產(chǎn)自動(dòng)轉歸丈夫是不公正的。
- The boy is daubing a piece of paper with red ink. 那孩子正在用紅墨水在紙上亂涂。
- In Gustavus, where Mr.DeBoer’s property is, the land is rising almost three inches a year, Dr. 在德波爾先生地產(chǎn)所在的古斯塔夫斯,陸地每年幾乎抬升 3 英寸。
- I take a peck at my neighbor paper. 我偷看隔壁的考卷。