- The mine has the method of vertical zonation. 該礦床具垂直分帶規律。
- There are well zonation of biologic geochemistry in species and quantity. 首次利用容礦層的硫酸鹽還原菌在室內進(jìn)行了硫酸鹽還原試驗。
- The characteristics of small faults are coarctation and zonation with clear direction. 小斷層具有密集成帶的特點(diǎn),且方向性明顯,成為影響煤礦生產(chǎn)的主要地質(zhì)因素。
- In a simple "salt pan" the segregation is expressed by the zonation of saline minerals. 在一個(gè)簡(jiǎn)單的“鹽盒”中,分離作用表現為鹽類(lèi)礦物呈帶狀分布。
- The distribution and zonation of anomalous elements in the Hatu gold deposit of Xinjiang were expounded. 討論了新疆哈圖金礦異常元素在三度空間上的分布特征和指示元素的分帶規律。
- Morphology and cytohistological zonation appeared different between cone apex and the vegetative shoot apex. 雌球果原基與營(yíng)養莖端在外部形態(tài)及內部細胞組織學(xué)分區結構有明顯差異。
- Fig.2 Compositional zonation of garnet in kyanite-garnettwo_mica schist from southern Qinling orogenic belt. 標題: 圖2南秦嶺造山帶藍晶石-石榴石二云片巖中石榴石顆粒的成分環(huán)帶。
- The research result will be important for the new generation of seismic zonation. 這項研究成果對新一代地震動(dòng)參數區劃圖具有重大的意義。
- The results indicate that heuristic algorithm can reasonably be applied to identify zonation of groundwater parameters. 本研究成果證明敔發(fā)式演算法可合理應用于地下水參數分區。
- Landslide hazard zonation is one of the main considerations in the field of landslide research in the world. 滑坡災害空間區劃研究是當前國內外滑坡領(lǐng)域的重要研究方向之一。
- The estimation of annual rate of large earthquakes is a very important job in seismic zonation. 摘要大震年發(fā)生率的評定在地震區劃中是一項非常重要的工作。
- Abstract: Landslide hazard zonation is one of the main considerations in the field of landslide research in the world. 摘 要: 滑坡災害空間區劃研究是當前國內外滑坡領(lǐng)域的重要研究方向之一。
- The mainly orebody is typic arrangement assemblage feature of sulphide of sediment orogenic copper ore because primary mineral has obviously zonation. 主礦體中原生礦石礦物具有明顯的分帶性,為典型的沉積成因銅的硫化物排列組合特征。
- Wallrock alteration assemblages near orebodies are complex and wallrock alteration zonation is not obvious,presenting involving of mutil-hydro... 因此,肯德可克鐵鈷多金屬礦床屬熱水噴流沉積(改造)型礦床,形成鉛鋅-鈷鉍金-鐵成礦系列。
- The results will be benefit to the new generation of seismic zonation of China and seismic hazard assessment in the moderate seismicity region. 本文的研究結果對于地震活動(dòng)主要以6級以下中強地震活動(dòng)為主的我國中東部地區的地震區劃研究以及編制新一代地震動(dòng)參數區劃圖都具有重要的參考意義。
- State Seismological Bureau.1990.Generality of the map of China earthquake intensity zonation (1990)[M].Seismological Press,Beijing (in Chinese). 國家地震局.;1990
- Production and practice of coal mine proves that firedamp extraction and gush has the characteristic of subarea and zonation. 煤礦的生產(chǎn)和實(shí)踐證明,礦井瓦斯的抽放及礦井瓦斯的涌出具有分區和成帶的特點(diǎn)。
- The method of structural overprinting geochemical halo based on zonation primary halo is one of the new approaches for forecasting of hidden ore body. 構造疊加暈是在發(fā)展了原生暈分帶理論基礎上而開(kāi)創(chuàng )的一種盲礦預測新方法、新技術(shù)。
- State Seismological Bureau. 1996. An Outline of Seismic Zonation Map of China (1990) [M]. Seismological Press, Beijing (in Chinese). 國家地震局.;1996