- My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death,"he said to them."Stay here and keep watch. 對他們說(shuō):“我心里甚是憂(yōu)傷,幾乎要死;你們在這里等候,警醒。
- Then he said to them, "My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death. Stay here and keep watch with me. 便對他們說(shuō):“我心里甚是憂(yōu)傷,幾乎要死;你們在這里等候,和我一同警醒。
- Overwhelmed with sorrow, they did not recall His words foretelling this very scene. 他們因過(guò)度悲哀,竟忘記了主所預先告訴他們有關(guān)當前情景的話(huà)。
- Young woman student was lovelorn, may throw a thing, cry be troubled by, as if whole world was destroyed, be overwhelmed with sorrow. 小女生失戀了,可能會(huì )扔東西,并哭鬧,仿佛整個(gè)世界都毀滅了,痛不欲生。
- Heavy can behave Bei to deep sorrow extremely, lament to heaven and knock one's head on earth, be overwhelmed with sorrow or dumbstruck, state of mind is absentminded. 重的可表現悲慟欲絕,呼天搶地,痛不欲生或呆若木雞,神思恍惚。
- In addition, pupil deflection upper part, seem to blame the below 3 supercilious look of the eye, or make leer the female also can make a man be overwhelmed with sorrow or joy. 此外,瞳偏向上方,好象怪眼的下三白眼,或使媚眼兒的女性也會(huì )令男人銷(xiāo)魂。
- I was overwhelmed with a sense of strangeness. 我心中充滿(mǎn)了一種陌生感。
- Low-spirited is overwhelmed with sorrow or joy the palm 黯然消魂掌
- She was portioned with sorrow throughout her life. 她命中注定一輩子受苦。
- If I cannot overwhelm with my quality, I will overwhelm with my quantity. 如果我不能以質(zhì)量壓倒,我就一定要以數量壓倒。
- Her tragic story touched us all deeply/touched our hearts with sorrow. 她的經(jīng)歷很悲慘,我們都深受感動(dòng)[我們都很傷心]。
- He was overwhelmed with grief [joy]. 他不勝悲傷 [歡喜] 。
- He was overwhelmed with gratitude. 他不勝感激。
- Her eyes were cast over with sorrow. 她的雙眼籠罩著(zhù)悲愁。
- He was overwhelmed with excitement. 他極為興奮。
- She was weighed down with sorrow. 他被憂(yōu)愁壓得心情沉重。
- Overwhelmed with gratitude, he fell to his knees. 他感激萬(wàn)分, 跪倒地上。
- His brown face was seamed with sorrow . 他那褐色的臉因憂(yōu)愁而有一條一條紋路。
- Sob rivers, heaven and earth with sorrow. 江河嗚咽,天地同哀。
- To overwhelm with emotion; enrapture. 著(zhù)迷于充滿(mǎn)激情;打劫