- The workers rebelled against overtime work. 工人們厭惡加班。
- If so, do you get paid more for overtime work? 如果有,你得到加班費了嗎?
- Pay for overtime work as stipulated by the law. 按照法律規定給婦女支付加班費。
- How do you feel about overtime work? 你對加班有什么看法?
- The extra order result in overtime work for all the factory staff. 額外的訂購造成全場(chǎng)人員加班加點(diǎn)。
- For job hunting, Shanghai people are more concerned with details as salary, welfare and overtime work, while Beijing people pay more attention to the prospect of a company. 在求職過(guò)程中,上海人關(guān)心的是諸如薪水、福利是否需要加班等細節問(wèn)題,而北京人則更注重公司的發(fā)展前景。
- Is overtime work approved in advance by an authorized officer? 逾時(shí)工作是否由一名批核人員預先批準?
- Is the overtime work measured against any productivity standards? 有否利用既定工作產(chǎn)量指標來(lái)衡量逾時(shí)工作的成效?
- The company compensated Tracy for her overtime work. 公司給了特蕾西加班費。
- Overtime work is often onerous, though it is well paid. 報酬很好,但常常是很繁重的。
- Right, partly through overtime work, and partly through other incentives. 正是,部分通過(guò)超時(shí)工作,部分通過(guò)其它的刺激。
- How much per hour for overtime worked? 超課時(shí)費是多少?
- The extra order resulted in overtime work for all the factory staff. 額外的訂購造成全場(chǎng)人員加班加點(diǎn)。
- To enter overtime work for additional resource assignments, repeat steps 6-7. 若要為其他資源分配輸入加班工時(shí),請重復步驟6-7。
- Well, we all try our best to run this PUFA project with totally overtime work. 坐著(zhù)地鐵,晃晃悠悠的11點(diǎn)到浦發(fā),人很少,除了業(yè)務(wù)測試人員比較齊之外。
- I'll have to tighten my belt now that I can get no more overtime working. 由于我不能再加班加點(diǎn),我只得節衣縮食。
- When a regular workday is ten hours the overtime work may not exceed two hours for that particular day. 二當日正常工時(shí)達十小時(shí)者,其延長(cháng)之工作時(shí)間不得超過(guò)二小時(shí)。
- For overtime work, they usually reimburse employees for meals and transportation fees and double or triple their pay. 加班時(shí),他們通常給員工補貼餐費、交通費,付他們雙倍或三倍的工資。
- Often my boss requires overtime work, but there is often a handsome bonus for this. 我的老板常常叫我們加班,可是加班費也相當不錯。