- A massive cut in the import tariffs of more than 4,000 tariff lines was introduced in April 1996,bringing average tariff from 35.3% down to 23%. It has also pledged to further lower overall tariff rate to 15% by the year 2000. 從1996年4月起,大幅度降低關(guān)稅,涉及4000多個(gè)稅號,平均關(guān)稅水平從35.;3%25降低至23%25,并宣布在2000年使總體關(guān)稅水平降至15%25。
- In order to prepare better for the WTO accession,the Chinese government has voluntarily lowered the overall tariff rate for many times,and has expanded the opening of trade in goods and trade in services. 近年來(lái),中國政府為做好加入世貿組織的準備工作,已多次自主降低關(guān)稅總水平,擴大貨物和服務(wù)貿易領(lǐng)域的對外開(kāi)放。
- Currently,China is gradually opening its domestic market in line with WTO agreements. Since January 1st of this year,China has lowered the overall tariff rate from 15% to 12% and will further lower it to 10% by year 2005. 目前,中國正在按照加入世界貿易組織的協(xié)議逐步開(kāi)放國內市場(chǎng),自今年1月1日起,已依照承諾將關(guān)稅總體水平由15%25下調到12%25,到2005年將下調至10%25左右。
- In order to prepare better for the WTO accession, the Chinese government has voluntarily lowered the overall tariff rate for many times, and has expanded the opening of trade in goods and trade in services. 近年來(lái),中國政府為做好加入世貿組織的準備工作,已多次自主降低關(guān)稅總水平,擴大貨物和服務(wù)貿易領(lǐng)域的對外開(kāi)放。
- European officials have used this as an argument against deep tariff cuts. 歐洲代表們就利用這個(gè)理由,反對進(jìn)一步降低關(guān)稅。
- Brazil and others ought to embrace bold tariff cuts as a route to a more vibrant economy. 巴西和其他國家應該將支持關(guān)稅大幅減少作為通向更加繁榮的經(jīng)濟的途徑。
- By building a two-stage game, we find that when the firms engage in a Cournot duopoly game, tariff cuts increase the exporting countries' pollution taxes. 藉由一個(gè)兩階段賽局的建立,本文發(fā)現當廠(chǎng)商進(jìn)行數量競爭時(shí),進(jìn)口國調降關(guān)稅將促使出口國提高污染稅:但伴隨污染提高而來(lái)的卻是政府對廠(chǎng)商優(yōu)惠的增加,以及更多的污染。
- In a Bertrand duopoly case, tariff cuts also increase the exporting countries' pollution taxes, indicating that the governments raise the export taxes on the firms. 與數量競辭下的結果相較,此結果凸顯產(chǎn)品市場(chǎng)與政府政策間的密切關(guān)聯(lián)性。
- Such prejudice certainly prevailed in India in 1991, when the IMF foisted tariff cuts on the economy as one of the conditions attached to a $2.5 billion bail-out package. 這樣的觀(guān)點(diǎn)在1991年的印度極具說(shuō)服力,當時(shí)IMF在經(jīng)濟上強制削減關(guān)稅而使印度的進(jìn)口達到了25億美元的高峰。
- He tried to varnish over the truth with a lie. 他試圖用謊言來(lái)掩蓋真相。
- I've got the hump over what he said to me. 我已經(jīng)對他所說(shuō)的很不耐煩了。
- She threw a scarf over her shoulders. 她在肩上披上一塊肩巾。
- The boat heeled over in a strong wind. 船在強風(fēng)吹襲下傾側了。
- They all cooed over the new baby. 他們對著(zhù)新生嬰兒愛(ài)撫地輕聲細語(yǔ)。
- The dog kept a vigilant guard over the house. 這只狗警惕地守護著(zhù)這所房屋。
- She worried over her father's health. 她為父親的健康擔憂(yōu)。
- There's been an overall improvement recently. 近來(lái)各方面都有所改進(jìn)。
- Argentina announces import tariff cuts 阿根廷降消費品進(jìn)口關(guān)稅
- The brook warbled over its rocky bed. 小溪潺潺流過(guò)多石的河床。
- I fell off my bike and went arse over tit. 我跌下自行車(chē),一頭號栽到地上。