- After these treatments, outside noise level of the bus with maximum acce_leration declines from 91.5 dB(A) to lower than 86 dB(A), which meets the "Permitted Noise Level of Motor Vehicle" defined by the "GB 1495_79" national standard. 改進(jìn)后GZ6 92 1型大客車(chē)最大加速度時(shí)的車(chē)外噪聲由 91.;5dB(A )降到 86dB(A)以下;達到國標GB 1495- 75“機動(dòng)車(chē)允許噪聲”的規定
- Structure of very low noise level. 低噪音結構。
- Noise level shall comply with the EU guidelines. 噪音級別應符合歐盟的指導方針。
- The noise level of air supply unit should be marked on the drawing. 機組要有噪聲要求。
- Airflow system maximizes air volume at minimum noise level. 空氣動(dòng)力系統使加熱器在最大出風(fēng)量時(shí)將噪音降到最低。
- The quality of urban living has been damaged by excessive noise levels. 城市生活的質(zhì)量已被過(guò)度的噪音所破壞。
- Latest generation speed reducing gear pair (high efficiency, low noise level). 最新一代減速齒輪對(高效,低噪音)
- Regulation on noise levels on board sea-going ship. 海洋船舶噪聲級規定。
- Noise level is higher, everyday concessional working hours is shorter. 噪聲級越高,天天容許工作時(shí)間越短。
- In the bedroom, in order to ensure peaceful rest environment, the curtains Weiman You should use quality fabrics, lighting control and outside noise. 在臥室,為了保證寧靜的休息環(huán)境,應選用質(zhì)地厚實(shí)的窗簾帷??椢?,控制光線(xiàn)和外界噪聲。
- The ultimate noise levels are the same. 最終的噪音水平是一樣的。
- Be in a bedroom, to assure halcyon rest environment, should choose the curtain antependium fabric with rich quality of a material, control the light and outside noise. 在臥室,為了保證寧靜的休息環(huán)境,應選用質(zhì)地厚實(shí)的窗簾帷??椢?,控制光線(xiàn)和外界噪聲。
- It is forbidden to manufacture,sell or import automobiles that emit noise beyond the limits set on noise level. 禁止制造、銷(xiāo)售或者進(jìn)口超過(guò)規定的噪聲限值的汽車(chē)。
- The distance between the acoustic-emission source and the receiving transducer, and the background noise level are primary factors in selecting a particular frequency band. 聲發(fā)射源與接收訊號傳感器間的距離以及環(huán)境噪聲的電平是選擇頻帶的主要依據。
- Feel relaxed - reduce noise level and bright lights. You may want to use soft music in the background. 放輕松一點(diǎn)-使周?chē)3职察o并且點(diǎn)亮燈。你可以用一些柔和的音樂(lè )做背景。
- Not only can fetuses hear outside noises, they sometimes remember what they've heard. 不僅胎兒可以聽(tīng)到外部聲音,他們有時(shí)還能對此產(chǎn)生記憶。
- Adjust your surroundings as you would for a meditation: lighting, noise level, temperature, clothing, glasses, shoes. 調整你的環(huán)境使之有利于你的冥想;光線(xiàn),噪音等級,溫度,衣著(zhù),眼鏡,鞋。
- Noise level: The noise level of YU series motors operation at no load is lower than the values shown in the Table. 噪聲:電動(dòng)機空載運轉時(shí)的噪聲不超過(guò)下表的數值。
- The accelerometers are set on the bogie frame and under the frame of the car body, and sound meters installed for the measurement of noise levels inside and outside the car. 過(guò)載信號器被設置在來(lái)路不明的飛機框架和在汽車(chē)身體的框架之下, 和酣然的米被安裝為噪聲級的測量在和在汽車(chē)之外里面。
- An acceptable general noise level is achieved by careful acoustic control to provide aural privacy and mask intrusive noise. 一個(gè)可以接受的常規噪音水平可以通過(guò)精心的聲學(xué)控制來(lái)實(shí)現,從而降低噪音并提供一個(gè)聽(tīng)覺(jué)方面的私人空間。