- 請查看是否有“Self-testing indicates your ORPort is reachable from the outside。Look for a log entry like Self-testing indicates your ORPort is reachable from the outside.
- 他每星期付100美元的房租。He pays 100 dollars a week rent.
- in,from,out,以及of都是介詞。The words'in','from','out' and 'of are prepositions.
- 他測驗得了100分。He scored 100 on the test.
- 介詞OFPreposition OF
- 公司每周給他100英鎊作為雜費。The firm allows him a hundred pound a week for incidental expenses.
- 資金報表,見(jiàn) statement of changes in financial positionfunds statement
- 功率100瓦an output of 100 watts
- 的例外 of /at sthexception to ...
- 他的祖父活到了100歲。His grandfather lived to a hundred.
- part-of關(guān)系part-of relation
- 100米100-meter run
- Doctor of PharmacyD.Pharm.
- 100厘米就是1米。One hundred centimetres make one metre.
- k-out-of-n系統k-out-of-n system
- 1英鎊有100便士。There are 100 pence to every pound.
- Bachelor of PharmacyB.Pham.
- 一公擔, 100 公斤a metric [double] centner
- 100強top 100
- 大約100人around 100 people