- All organizations and individuals using land must ensure its rational use. 一切使用土地的組織和個(gè)人必須合理地利用土地。
- Community organizations and individuals may provide various medical and health services in accordance with law. 社會(huì )團體和私人可依法提供各種醫療衛生服務(wù)。
- All organizations and individuals who use land must make rational use of the land. 一切使用土地的組織和個(gè)人必須合理地利用土地。
- Chinese women have made vigorous efforts to develop links with women organizations and individuals around the globe. 中國婦女積極發(fā)展同世界各國婦女組織及婦女人士的交往。
- Those which make joint investment or cooperate with other enterprises, economic organizations and individuals. 與其他企業(yè)、經(jīng)濟組織和個(gè)人合資、合作的。
- All organizations and individuals are prohibited to destroy or seize civil air defense facilities. 禁止任何組織或者個(gè)人破壞、侵占人民防空設施。
- That tradition continues, with MIT today benefiting from generous giving by a range of organizations and individuals. 這一傳統繼續下去,以造福于今天麻省理工給予了慷慨的一系列組織和個(gè)人。
- Dell has served businesses, governments, large organizations and individuals in asia Pacific since the early 1990s. 戴爾公司從90年代初開(kāi)始為亞太地區的商業(yè)、政府、大型機構和個(gè)人提供服務(wù)。
- Community organizations and individuals may, in accordance with law, run educational undertakings of various kinds. 社會(huì )團體和私人可依法舉辦各種教育事業(yè)。
- Article60 The State encourages social organizations and individuals both at home and abroad to donate money for education in China. 第六十條國家鼓勵境內、外社會(huì )組織和個(gè)人捐資助學(xué)。
- Article7 All organizations and individuals shall fulfill their obligation to conserve energy and have the right to report against any waste of energy. 第七條任何單位和個(gè)人都應當履行節能義務(wù),有權檢舉浪費能源的行為。
- Reward will be given to the organizations and individuals for their outstanding achievement in occupational disease prevention. 對防治職業(yè)病成績(jì)顯著(zhù)的單位和個(gè)人,給予獎勵。
- Order the organizations and individuals violating the occupational-disease-prevention laws and regulations to stop the illegal practice. 責令違反職業(yè)病防治法律、法規的單位和個(gè)人停止違法行為。
- The State encourages and protects the social supervision exercised by public organizations and individuals over food hygiene. 國家鼓勵和保護社會(huì )團體和個(gè)人對食品衛生的社會(huì )監督。
- One objective of the SAC is to informing the Board of the views of the organizations and individuals on the Council on major standard setting projects. 準則咨詢(xún)委員會(huì )的一個(gè)目標是向理事會(huì )報告會(huì )員代表大會(huì )的各團體和個(gè)人對主要準則制定計劃的意見(jiàn)。
- All organizations and individuals must act in strict accordance with the law, and none of them are allowed to have the privilege to overstep the Constitution and other laws. 必須嚴格依法辦事,任何組織和個(gè)人都不允許有超越憲法和法律的特權。
- Article 6 The IPAC shall provide ordinary consultation aid to enterprises, public institutions, other organizations and individuals. 第六條為企事業(yè)單位、其他組織和個(gè)人提供一般咨詢(xún)援助。
- The structure of interactions between organizations and individuals is no longer a sequential chain, but rather an interactive network. 機構與個(gè)人之間的互動(dòng)結構已不再是一個(gè)連續鏈,而是一個(gè)交互式網(wǎng)絡(luò )。
- All organizations and individuals acting as liaisons to help attract overseas investment into our district are encouraged. 九、鼓勵境內外機構和個(gè)人為本區招商引資牽線(xiàn)搭橋。
- Organizations and individuals in the DDZ shall observe the laws, regulations of the People's Republic of China as well as this document. 開(kāi)發(fā)區內的單位和個(gè)人,必須遵守中華人民共和國法律、法規和本條例。