- Shanghai will solicit public opinion on auto plate auction and traffic jam fee , officials from the Shanghai Construction and Traffic Committee said Sunday. 上海市城鄉建設和交通委員會(huì )官員周日表示,上海將就車(chē)牌拍賣(mài)、交通擁堵費等政策征詢(xún)公眾意見(jiàn)。
- An ad hoc group has already published a consultation paper to solicit public opinion on screening criteria and other details. I hope that people from various sectors will actively respond and share with us their valuable opinion. 有關(guān)的專(zhuān)責小組已發(fā)表諮詢(xún)文件,就選撥的準則和細節安排諮詢(xún)大眾,我鼓勵各界人士踴躍提出意見(jiàn)。
- Qi Ji, a vice minister of housing and construction, said last week in Beijing that the government will solicit public opinion before finalizing plans for the permanent relocation of towns. 中國建設部副部長(cháng)齊驥上周在北京表示,在最終確定城鎮永久重建規劃之前,政府會(huì )征求公眾意見(jiàn)。
- The tourism bureau is soliciting public opinion on the translations. 北京旅游局正在對這些翻譯征求公眾意見(jiàn)。
- The government has ostentatiously solicited public opinion about the change. 政府對這項改變所做的民意調查不過(guò)走走過(guò)場(chǎng)而已。
- The time needed for evaluation, soliciting public opinions and expert appraisal shall not be counted in the time limit prescribed in the preceding paragraph. 項目核準機關(guān)委托咨詢(xún)評估、征求公眾意見(jiàn)和進(jìn)行專(zhuān)家評議的,所需要時(shí)間不計算在前款規定的期限內。
- I hope my ideas are in step with public opinion. 我希望我的想法跟公眾輿論是一致的。
- Public opinion was against the old feudal system. 公眾輿論反對舊的封建制度。
- Notice on Some Issues Concerning the Regulation of the Business of Securities Investment Consultation Developed to the Public (to Solicit Public Opinions) 關(guān)於規范面向公?開(kāi)展的證券投資諮詢(xún)業(yè)務(wù)行?若干問(wèn)題的通知(公開(kāi)徵求意見(jiàn)稿)
- He cares not a whit for public opinion. 他對輿論毫不關(guān)心。
- Public opinion was opposed to the war. 輿論是反對那場(chǎng)戰爭的。
- Public opinion has polarized on this issue. 在這個(gè)問(wèn)題上公眾的意見(jiàn)已兩極分化。
- The lash of public opinion compelled him to resign. 輿論的嚴厲指責迫使他辭職。
- We are going to conduct a public opinion poll. 我們將進(jìn)行民意測驗。
- If the formulation can become public, it shall solicit the public opinions. 可以公開(kāi)的,應當公開(kāi)征求社會(huì )各界意見(jiàn)。
- He maintained his stand in the teeth of public opinion. 他不顧公眾輿論的反對而堅持自己的立場(chǎng)。
- I was openly solicited at Piccadilly Circus. 我在皮卡底里廣場(chǎng)遇到妓女公開(kāi)向我兜攬生意。
- An honest judge cannot be servile to public opinion. 一個(gè)正直的法官不能一味順從輿論。
- This will swing public opinions against the government. 這將使公共輿論轉而反對政府。
- A clever politician know how to manipulate public opinion. 聰明的政客知道如何操縱公眾輿論。