- Several cankers in our country's criminal legislation stipulation about the one who discontinues a crime should be modified and perfected. 我國刑法關(guān)于中止犯的規定存在若干弊端,應當進(jìn)行修改和完善。
- One who discontinues a crime shall be exempted from punishment when there is no harm done or be given a mitigated punishment when there is harm done. 對于中止犯,沒(méi)有造成損害的,應當免除處罰;造成損害的,應當減輕處罰。
- On the value orientation, the lagislator should limit the scope of one who discontinues a crime to felony, practice course and the course after practice in process of Commission of crime. 立法者應當在價(jià)值取向上把中止犯的存在范圍限定在嚴重犯罪之中和犯罪過(guò)程中的實(shí)行階段、實(shí)行后階段。
- The Condition of discontinuance of crime is Cant be Confused the Condition of one who discontinues a crime. 中止犯的成立條件不能混同于犯罪中止的成立條件。
- Discontinuance of Crime is approved and supported act in our country's law and Sociology, and it distinguishes one who discontinues a crime in nature. 摘要犯罪中止行為是法律和社會(huì )贊許、支持的行為,與中止犯(犯罪行為)有著(zhù)質(zhì)的區別。
- An offender who discontinues a crime shall, if no damage is caused, be exempted from punishment or, if any damage is caused, be given a mitigated punishment. 對于中止犯,沒(méi)有造成損害的,應當免除處罰;造成損害的,應當減輕處罰。
- Where an offender who discontinues a crime and causes no harm, exemption from punishment shall be given; where an offender causes harm, a mitigated punishment shall be given. 對于中止犯,沒(méi)有造成損害的,應當免除處罰;造成損害的,應當減輕處罰。
- One who commits or is an accomplice to a crime. 主犯進(jìn)行犯罪活動(dòng)或協(xié)助犯罪活動(dòng)的人
- A criminal offender is one who commits a crime. 刑事犯罪指的是那種犯有罪行的人。
- The Studies On Punishment For Criminals Who Discontinue A Crime 中止犯處罰若干問(wèn)題研究
- One who incites,aids,or abets a lawbreaker in the commission of a crime but is not present at the time of the crime. 同謀,從犯慫恿,幫助罪犯進(jìn)行犯罪活動(dòng),但犯罪時(shí)不在現場(chǎng)。
- One who aids a criminal after the commission of a crime, but was not present at the time of the crime. 窩藏犯在犯罪之后包庇,窩藏罪犯,但犯罪時(shí)不在現場(chǎng)
- One who incites, aids, or abets a lawbreaker in the commission of a crime but is not present at the time of the crime. 同謀,從犯慫恿,幫助罪犯進(jìn)行犯罪活動(dòng),但犯罪時(shí)不在現場(chǎng)
- One who instigates a person under the age of eighteen to commit a crime shall be given a heavier punishment. 教唆不滿(mǎn)十八周歲的人犯罪的,應當從重處罰。
- One who acts as the trainer or second of a boxer. 拳擊手的訓練者或其比賽時(shí)的助手
- An offender who attempts to commit a crime may, in comparison with one who completes the crime, be given a lighter or mitigated punishment. 對于未遂犯,可以比照既遂犯從輕或者減輕處罰。
- One who attempts to commit a crime may, in comparison with one who consummates the crime, be given a lesser punishment or a mitigated punishment. 對于未遂犯,可以比照既遂犯從輕或者減輕處罰。
- About a quarter of all those who discontinued a business cited personal reasons such as sickness, divorce or bereavement. 那些關(guān)停公司的人約有四分之一表示是出于個(gè)人原因,如生病、離婚或失去了親人。
- A strong will will stop one from committing a crime. 強烈的意志會(huì )阻止一個(gè)人去犯罪。
- It is a crime to stuff the ballot box. 為候選人投偽造票是犯罪行為。