The empire was on the wane after its period of prosperity. 帝國經(jīng)過(guò)全盛以后逐漸衰落。
By now the power of the Roman Empire was on the wane. 到這時(shí),羅馬帝國已日益衰敗。
Most of these new jobs pay less than regular jobs, and few come with good benefits. The standard American job, with a40-hour workweek, medical benefits and a pension at age65, is on the wane. 這些新工作(機會(huì ))多半待遇不如正式工作,并且福利優(yōu)厚的不多。每周40小時(shí),有醫療保險,并且65歲可領(lǐng)退休金的標準美國工作越來(lái)越少。