- The old farmer conveyed his farm to his son. 老農夫將其農場(chǎng)轉讓給兒子。
- The old farmer prays God's forgiveness. 那老農夫祈求神寬恕。
- The old farmer prays God rs forgiveness. 那老農夫祈求神寬恕。
- The old farmer rotates the crops in that field. 那老農在那塊地里輪種莊稼。
- The old farmer's eyes softened, and he entered. 老農夫的眼光變得柔和了,他走進(jìn)來(lái)。
- Under the tree was sitting an old farmer. 在那棵大樹(shù)下,坐著(zhù)一位老農民。
- He took pity on the poor old farmer. 他很同情那個(gè)可憐的老農夫。
- The old farmer has rich experience in forecasting the weather. 這位老農在預報天氣方面有著(zhù)豐富的經(jīng)驗。
- He sought out the old farmers and collected their weather lore. 他找一些老農搜集了他預測天氣的經(jīng)驗。
- The old farmer walked towards the field, hoe on shoulder. 這位老農民肩扛鋤頭朝田里走去。
- The old farmer works in the fields year in and year out. 那位老農年復一年在地里勞動(dòng)。
- The soldier stared in surprise at the old farmer and the girl. 那個(gè)士兵很震驚地看著(zhù)那個(gè)。
- The sheriff asked the old farmer, "Lordy, were they ALL dead? 官員問(wèn)老農民:”老天爺,你知道他們都死了嗎?
- There she learned to love old Farmer Franklin's son, Walter. 在那兒,她愛(ài)上了老農富蘭克林的兒子,沃爾特。
- Even at the age of 80 the old farmer's heart was as sound as a bell. 到80歲時(shí),那老農的心臟還非常健康。
- An old farmer is squatting where statue of Mao Zedong was put in those years. 一位老農蹲在當年專(zhuān)門(mén)放置毛澤東像的位置。
- Doctor Burleigh swung round in his desk-chair and frowned at the old farmer. 伯利醫生隨即在他的辦公桌圓椅和老農民皺起了眉頭。
- He sat down by the fire and told the old farmer how this world of ours was made. 他在爐火旁坐下,對年老的農夫說(shuō)我們這個(gè)世界是如何形成的。
- Old Farmer's Almanac www. Almanac. Com Various odds and ends including a galaxy of astronomical resources. 各種各樣零零散散的東西,其中包括無(wú)數的天文學(xué)資源。
- This means the study, has looked like the old farmer to break off the corn, the full dress in the back-basket right? 這是不是意味著(zhù)學(xué)習,像老農掰玉米,全裝在背簍里就對了嗎?