- The hydraulic oil temperature is high. 液壓油溫度高。
- Temperature relay tests temperature of motor, if it exceeds rating temperature to send a signal, contactor cut off main circuit to complete protection of motor. 溫度繼電器檢測電動(dòng)機溫度,超過(guò)額定溫度發(fā)出信號,接觸器切斷主電路完成電機保護。
- Use of variable pump, the oil temperature is not high, and can substantially reduce water wastage. 采用變量泵,油溫不高,能在很大程度上減少水資源的浪費。
- At which value are the generator transformer oil temperature alarm and trip set? 主變壓器油溫過(guò)高報警及跳閘設定值是多少?
- Open the stop valve for the cooling water and make scavenge oil cooling in order to oil temperature becomes too high. 打開(kāi)冷卻水截止閥,對回油進(jìn)行冷卻,以防止油溫過(guò)高。
- It introduces the monitor system of cooling oil temperature of ferroalloys furnace transformer. 介紹了電爐變壓器冷卻油溫度監測系統。
- The leakage, wear and high oil temperature faults of transmissions box and torque converters for loaders are analyzed. 分析了裝載機變速箱、變矩器泄漏、磨損和油溫過(guò)高的原因,介紹了其危害,并針對每一種故障均提出了相應的修復措施。
- Saving power. Decreasing oil temperature, without pressure regulating valve, low noise, huge flow, having pressure offset variable pressure power. 動(dòng)力等節約、減少油溫上升。省略調壓閥、低噪音大流量。有壓力補償、壓力動(dòng)力可變。
- This engine oil cooling set stabilizes the oil temperature in the high-rev region to keep your engine performing its best. 用以在發(fā)動(dòng)機高轉速時(shí)冷卻機油,以發(fā)揮發(fā)動(dòng)機的最高性能!
- While simulates low oil temperature conditions, the indicating lamp should light up and holding of main engine start message should be allowed. 模擬油溫低、指示燈亮且允許主機啟動(dòng)信號不能發(fā)出。
- As examples, the oil temperature change and solidifying process were calculated by this method, and satisfactory results have been obtained. 采用保角變換和盒式積分法對數學(xué)模型進(jìn)行了處理,并構造出問(wèn)題的差分方程。
- RTD located downstream of oil filter for oil temperature display, alarm and shutdown (high and low), function wired to microprocessor. 油過(guò)濾器后裝有電阻測溫計,線(xiàn)接至空壓機控制柜,對油溫(高和低)進(jìn)行顯示、報警和停機。
- While simulating high oil temperature and high oil level failure conditions, the corresponding indicating lamp should light up and failure pre-warning messages should be sent out. 模擬油溫高、油位高故障,相應的指示燈亮且應有故障預報警信號輸出。
- Temperature measurement system of temperature relay 溫度繼電器溫度特性檢測系統
- By maintaining constant lube oil temperature, this valve prevents machine from excessive moisture build-up and assures of optimum operation at all time. 潤滑油溫度穩定,確保主機工作溫度正常,防止壓縮空氣中的水份析出。
- The temperature distribution of helical gears is analyzed under different oil temperature with the basic principle of heat transfer, tribology, Blok theory and gear mesh. 運用傳熱學(xué)、摩擦學(xué)、Blok理論及斜齒輪嚙合基本原理,分析了不同油溫下斜輪齒的溫度場(chǎng)分布狀況。
- The paper analyzes the reasons of vapor lock of light oil swing arm for rall tanker from oil property, oil temperature, technological flows and the wall temperature of swing arm. 從油品性質(zhì)、油品溫度、工藝流程和鶴管壁溫等因素,剖析了鐵路油罐車(chē)輕油鶴管發(fā)生氣阻的原因。
- The effect of temperature and the working property of the hydraulic system is showed, the oil temperature automatic control system of metal packer hydraulic press is designed. 論述了溫度對液壓系統中液壓油粘度的影響及油液粘度對液壓系統工作性能的影響。
- Professionally produce main shaft oil temperature cooler, main shaft water cooler, extensive use CNC, and combined cutting machine, high speed engraving machine. 專(zhuān)業(yè)生產(chǎn)主軸油溫冷卻機、主軸水冷卻機,廣泛應用CNC綜合切削中心機、高速雕刻機。
- The algorithm can also forecast the future winding temperature and the time of reaching the max, permitted the assumed future load current and oil temperature. 在假定的未來(lái)負荷和油溫的條件下,該算法還能預報未來(lái)時(shí)刻的繞組溫升/時(shí)間特性和繞組達到最高允許溫度的時(shí)間。