- Often translation and rotation occur simultaneously, as in the case of a rolling drum. 通常平動(dòng)和轉動(dòng)同時(shí)發(fā)生,例如,圓筒的滾動(dòng)。
- In many cardiac disorders, dyspnea due to a fixed cardiac output and that due to pulmonary congestion occur simultaneously( eg, in mitral stenosis). 在許多心臟疾病中,由固定心排血量引起的呼吸困難常與肺充血引起的呼吸困難同時(shí)發(fā)生(如二尖瓣狹窄)。
- In many cardiac disorders, dyspnea due to a fixed cardiac output and that due to pulmonary congestion occur simultaneously (eg, in mitral stenosis). 在許多心臟疾病中,由固定心排血量引起的呼吸困難常與肺充血引起的呼吸困難同時(shí)發(fā)生(如二尖瓣狹窄)。
- A possible mechanism is discussed, the nucleophilio aromatic substitution S_NAr and S_(RN)Ar (SET) may occur simultaneously. 此類(lèi)反應的主要歷程屬于S_NA_r,但同時(shí)也存在著(zhù)S_(RN)A_r(SET)歷程作為次要途徑。
- Although these reactions appear to follow recognized stepwise pathways, they often occur simultaneously and competitively. 盡管這些反應好像延著(zhù)已知步驟進(jìn)行,但它們常常同時(shí)發(fā)生并競爭。
- The man that drives a tractor often uses the language of dog vituperation a pig to scold asbestine, return bludgeon occur simultaneously occasionally. 石棉過(guò)不了那種牛馬不如的日子,就跑回來(lái)和石丁一起生活了。
- In this study, we proposed a novel one step method in which maleation and reactive blending occur simultaneously in a twin screw extruder. 在本研究中,我們提出了一種新穎的一步法:馬來(lái)酸酐化和反應性摻混可以在一臺雙螺桿擠出機里同時(shí)進(jìn)行。
- In winter in Wuhan,snow always occurs simultaneously with rain. 武漢的冬天時(shí)常雨雪交加。
- Ngenpa Gu Dzom Nine bad omens occurring simultaneously. 有九種惡兆同時(shí)出現。
- They are read and adjudicated as occurring simultaneously. 玩家們把自己地命令同時(shí)公開(kāi)并一起得到移動(dòng)的結果。
- Intercutting may also be used to create a montage sequence--a series of brief shots that show different details of an action that occur simultaneously or that show fragments of variety of events related to one another by the story. 交切也可用來(lái)剪輯一系列蒙太奇鏡頭--一系列表現同一動(dòng)作不同側面的畫(huà)面或者表現一些相關(guān)事件不同側面的畫(huà)面。
- The Six Sigma Black Belt should demonstrate a grasp of basic probability concepts, such as the probability of mutually exclusive events, of dependent and independent events, of events that can occur simultaneously, etc. 西格瑪黑帶應掌握基礎的概率概念,比如互斥事件的概率、聯(lián)和獨立事件的概率、時(shí)發(fā)生事件的概率等等。
- The music has so many melodic lines occurring simultaneously that it is easy to lose track of any particular one of them. 這支樂(lè )曲有很多同時(shí)出現的譜線(xiàn),因此很容易丟掉其中的某一條。
- As the free check-ups were being conducted, another activity was occurring simultaneously. 在義診的同時(shí),另一活動(dòng)也積極的進(jìn)行中。
- From the perspective of buffalo, thoughts and words are synonymous, and as a result, both occurred simultaneously. 大白牛的觀(guān)點(diǎn)是,思想和文字是同步的,而作為結果,它們也同時(shí)出現。
- This first song holds the tonality which the tears the sob resembles, sang the aspiration which the grief and indignation occurred simultaneously. 這首歌以含著(zhù)熱淚的哭泣似的音調,唱出了悲憤交加的心聲。
- Terminal blooding after delivery that during puerperium plentiful of blooding causes 24 hours later is one of serious cases occurring simultaneously in maternity department. 晚期產(chǎn)后出血是指分娩24小時(shí)后,在產(chǎn)褥期內發(fā)生的子宮大量出血,是產(chǎn)科的嚴重并發(fā)癥之一。
- The absorption and the orgnization of SE and the formation of granulation tissue maybe occure simultaneously in same areas and a same pathologic process. 潴留滲出液的吸收、機化與肉芽組織形成是同時(shí)發(fā)生在同一區域的同一病理過(guò)程中。
- It appeared that combustion of carbon black occurred simultaneously with these devolatilization products since, upon extinction of this flame, no further residue was detected. 鑒于火焰熄滅后沒(méi)發(fā)現有殘渣,看來(lái)炭黑是與這些脫揮物質(zhì)同時(shí)燃燒的。
- Food shortage often occur in times of war. 戰爭期間常發(fā)生糧食短缺現象。